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WoW Professions Boost

Rated Excellent 5 stars on Trustpilot based on 3,426 reviews on
Rated Excellent 5 stars on Trustpilot
based on 3,426 reviews on

WoW Profession boost service is designed to streamline the often laborious and time-consuming process of leveling up your professions in World of Warcraft. Professions are integral to the game, but reaching their maximum potential can be a significant time investment. With our service, you can quickly attain a functional profession without the need for extensive time commitment.

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Why use ConquestCapped

24/7 support
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Competitive prices
Only safe boosting methods
Money-back guarantee
Secure payments
We offer some of the best prices on the market and are open to negotiation
Customer Support is available 24/7 with average reply time under 2 minutes
Since 2015, we provide honest and safe boosting services without use of hacking, exploiting, or botting
We use leading payment solutions such as Stripe and PayPal and do not store your payment data
Full refunds available before service starts; partial refunds during service

Real Customer Reviews

1 day ago
Fast reliable communicative
James Beyer
1 day ago
Best service in the booster world!
Hello,I am a player from Germany and have already booked a boost with Conquest Capped several times. These guys are professional players and know exactly what they are doing. Every order is processed cleanly and honestly and every question is answered quickly. To this day I can say that there haven't even been any problems and I really can't imagine anyone having a bad experience with this company. I celebrate these guys!
1 day ago
One of the best boosting services
What can I say, they are fast, professional and always deliver the results they promiseanytime again
1 day ago
Absolutely genuine service
Absolutely genuine service. Extremely fast response time, friendly staff, and very easy steps to follow. 100% satisfaction and am already back on the site to see what other services I can purchase. Thank you!
1 day ago
es hat wie immer bestens geklappt ein…
es hat wie immer bestens geklappt ein großes Dankeschön an die Healer
1 day ago
J’ai fait une commande groupée pour des…
J’ai fait une commande groupée pour des montures et des transmogrification et ça a été vachement rapide. Vraiment super ?
1 day ago
Schneller Service
Schneller Service , einfach Top
Matthias Stangl
2 days ago
The help i got was really good
The help i got was really good, and the boost was completed in around 20 minutes, really happy with the service. Will for sure use again :D
2 days ago
Tier 3 Set
Fast and did good job !
2 days ago
Look no further! Will always use this.
I have used conquest capped for literally all my keys for this season in WW and every team is professional, timely, even asked what dungeons i needed and I got achievements. I also got the mount as well, I do raids for My alts with them and have always had great experience. Prices are fair and lots of stuff goes on sale. I trust this team and communication is top notch.
2 days ago
A really good service
I was a bit skeptical at first because I wasn't sure if my money would just disappear. So I booked a raid on HC in remote play to see how it all works before I place my large order. I was very satisfied. The service is very good, friendly and very professional. After everything worked well, I booked my large order. I also booked this in remote play because I wanted to see how a professional plays with my character. I am absolutely satisfied. The service was really great and everything worked smoothly. The booster was also very friendly, very conscientious, and absolutely professional! I will definitely order something from here again!
2 days ago
Service parfait
Super service, complet dans les choix de boosts, toujours disponible pour répondre aux questions et boosters compétents qui sont très rapide.Je recommande vivement.
2 days ago
10/10 Outstanding Service
The team at conquest capped are very helpful, supportive and have always been available when needed. The process was very smooth and orders were completed very quickly without needing to remind them or follow up. They also have custom orders for any service not necessarily available on the website. You can’t go wrong with them. 10/10
2 days ago
eveDruid Forms Customization - Travel form: Prismatic Whiskerfish, Worldsoul Memory Event x15, Fate of the Kirin Tor Boostrything great
everything great! can only be recommended.
2 days ago
1 Word "Professional"
I am delighted, very fast and a great team, would gladly come back anytime. Everything is understandable.

WoW Professions Boosting

Leveling up the profession in WoW is not easy, even after all the exciting changes in Dragonflight, that are actual in The War Within. Each profession has a list of advantages and disadvantages; almost all of them will bring you additional bonuses and the ability to make a fortune in the game. Some professions can be a must-have for players wanting to increase their effectiveness during raiding, while others will be important for PvP-only enthusiasts. Profession leveling may take days or even weeks, with insane amounts of gold and resources.

If you don't want to spend all your time on the material grind or profession leveling, buy The War Within Profession Boost and get any wanted profession to the maximum level quickly and stress-free!

Types of WoW Professions Boosts for Sale

With WoW crafting professions, you could create equipment of any class, unique enchants, various jewelry, potions and elixirs, and much more. Each crafting profession is tied to the gathering profession, except Tailoring and Enchanting, which are tied to each other. All crafting and gathering professions have specializations. There is no best or worst profession, but some are harder to level than others, and some can make you significantly more gold than others. Before choosing a profession, you need to know what it can give you. Let us look more closely..

Profession Type Specializations Description
Alchemy Crafting Potion Mastery, Phial Mastery, and Alchemical Theory. Allows to create various phials, potions, cauldrons, elixirs, transmutation of rare materials, alchemist stones.
Blacksmithing Crafting Armorsmithing, Weaponsmithing, Specialty Smithing and Hammer Control. Ability to craft high ilvl plate armor and weapons, toys, cosmetics, professional tools as well as to modifier like whet and weight stones.
Enchanting Crafting Enchantment, Insight of the Blue and Rods, Runes, and Ruses. Grants to have the ability to create magical enchantments for almost every type of equipment boosting character stats, weapons or shoulders unique visual effect enchants, magic weapon creating, pets and even magical lockpick for treasure boxes.
Engineering Crafting Optimized Efficiency, Explosives, Function Over Form, and Mechanical Mind. Creates various utility items, such as portable mailboxes and auction houses, high ilvl gear, range weapons, permanent enchantments, mounts, toys, pets, and gadgets especially good for PvP.
Inscription Crafting Rune Mastery, Archiving and Runebinding Gives you ability to craft Darkmoon Deck Boxes, various profession tools, weapons, trinkets, runes, scrolls, glyphs, fortune cards and a lot of other cool items.
Jewelcrafting Crafting Jeweler's Toolset Mastery, Faceting, Setting and Enterprising Creates high quality gems to empower character gear, jewelry accessories such as neck, rings and trinkets, and also statues, pets, profession tools and more.
Leatherworking Crafting Leatherworking Discipline, Leather Armor Crafting, Mail Armor Crafting and Primordial Leatherworking Ability to create craft high ilvl leather and mail armor, weapons, drums, leg armor kits to upgrade leg armor slot, toys, professional tools and many more!
Tailoring Crafting Tailoring Mastery, Textiles, Draconic Needlework and Garmentcrafting Opens up a possibility to craft high ilvl clots armor, spellthreads (Intellect enchants for Leg Armor), regular and reagent bags, toys, BiS profession tools to six different professions and banners.
Herbalism Gathering Bountiful Harvests, Botany and Mastering the Elements Ability to gather herbs and use them in Alchemy and Inscription profession or sell herbs on Auction House for great profit.
Mining Gathering Mining Process, Metallurgy and Mastering the Elements Ability to gather materials from mineral nodes and use them in Blacksmithing, Engineering and Jewelcrafting profession or sell minerals on Auction Hose for great profit.
Skinning Gathering Tanning, Harvesting and Bait Crafter Ability to gather materials from skinning various mobs on Dragon Isles, for leather, hides, and scales and use them in Leatherworking profession, or sell them on Auction Hose for great profit.

There are three secondary professions in WoW. All of them are useful in PvE or PvP activities. If you want to maximize the efficiency of your character, you should level up all three The War Within secondary professions. After all, with these professions, you will become a jack of all trades and a desired addition to any PvP or PvE group. There are no Knowledge Points for Cooking, Fishing, or Archaeology.

Fishing and Cooking are helpful enough and have perfect synergy because most of the fish you catch can be cooked, and the higher levels of Cooking require certain fish to create useful dishes in various DF content. It's cheaper to catch it yourself than buy it at an Auction House. And The War Within Archaeology has to offer a unique “treasure-hunting” experience and rewards you can eventually add to your collection. From this profession, you could get a ton of lore and interesting in-game stories: these would make your journey more deep and wide. Indeed, you will get plenty of cool and rare rewards, like cosmetics, mounts, pets, and toys.

Profession Description
Cooking You will be able to prepare various meals, desserts, useful feasts and share them with your friends or sell on Auction House for great profit.
Fishing Ability to catch fish and gather other materials with Fishing or sell them on Auction House for great profit.
Archaeology Ability to get cosmetic items, toys, pets, account bound gear, and mounts.

The War Within Knowledge Points Boost

Crafting Professions are Alchemy, Blacksmithing, Enchanting, Engineering, Inscription, Jewelcrafting, Leatherworking, and Tailoring. Gathering professions include Refreshing Herbalism, Mining, and Skinning. There are no Knowledge Points for Cooking, Fishing, or Archaeology.

  • You need Level 25 in your profession to apply Knowledge Points. You can still pick up +Knowledge items from that profession before level 25, but you will not be able to click on them to use them until then.
  • Knowledge Points are profession specific. You can get a Knowledge Point item that gives you Mining Knowledge Points, but this does not mean you can apply this to Blacksmithing instead. You can buy items that increase Knowledge, but you must pick one specific to a particular profession.
  • You can begin collecting Knowledge Points right away using some methods. There are some mechanisms for getting Knowledge that you can get from the start. Others require unlocking through quests or by unlocking Adventure Mode.
  • Crafting and Gathering professions have some differences from collecting Knowledge Points. There are even some differences within Gathering professions concerning Knowledge Points. They share several mechanisms, but not all of them. Gathering professions have some quests, but the primary source of Knowledge Points is gathering materials, not crafting items like Crafting professions.

Along with Knowledge Points, you will also earn varying amounts of Artisan's Acuity. This is an important currency required in some quests and used to buy profession-related items, such as the various research notes from Lyrendal in Dornogal for significant boosts to your profession knowledge, or to order +1 Knowledge from Inscription through Crafting Orders.

Spark of Omens Farming Service

Spark of Omens is a special item that is required to create high-quality ilvl gear, either heroic or mythic quality. To collect these tokens you would need to complete various in-game activities to get 2 Fractured Spark of Omens per week and combine it with Valorstones to create one Spark of Omens. There is a weekly cup. You can get only one Spark of Omens per week. But, if you missed earning Sparks in the first two weeks, you can catch up with other players and get Spark of Omens by earning all three weeks' worth in one-two days.

WoW Legacy Professions Boosts

Suppose you want to level profession skill of previous expansions. In that case, you should know that with access to various items, like rare mounts and pets, toys, and a bunch of gear, that would be an excellent addition to any transmog collector (many players from RP servers will gladly buy crafter armor of previous expansions), you will get plenty of legacy achievements, and some of them comes with a title.

Expansion Professional Proficiency Achievement Skill
Classic Artisan Professional Classic Master 1-300
Burning Crusade Master Professional Outland Master 1-75
Wrath of the Lich King Grand Master Professional Northrend Master 1-75
Cataclysm Illustrious Grand Master Professional Cataclysmic Master 1-75
Mists of Pandaria Zen Master Professional Zen Master 1-75
Warlords of Draenor Draenor Master Professional Draenor Master 1-100
Legion Legion Master Professional Legion Master 1-100
Battle for Azeroth --- Professional Kul Tiran Master / Professional Zandalari Master 1-175
Shadowlands --- Professional Shadowlands Master 1-100
Dragonflight --- Professional Draconic Master 1-100

WoW Professions Leveling Features

In Dragonflight expansion, all profession systems were reworked. Professions are boasting a slew of new features, a fancy interface, and a Specialization system. In The War Within all these changes remain, and the Professions in WoW are still even more exciting than ever.

Here is a list of the most important profession changes from Dragonflignt, actual for The War Within expansion.

  • Reworked Profession Interface: Profession Interface was changed in better side. Individual Expansions are now toggles, swapping the crafting list from one to another. Additionally, there are fun details for each Profession, including a reworked skill level bar: Blacksmiths, for instance, have a bar that looks like superheated metal, Jewelcrafters boast a glittering gemstone bar, and Alchemists have bubbling potions signifying their skill. The most significant change, however, is the new Crafting Details section of the interface. Detailing profession secondary stats, craft quality, and an area for finishing reagents, this screen will look entirely new to you.
  • Profession Secondary Stats: professions now have a secondary stat system similar to already familiar gear systems. Now you can increase your crafting effectiveness with stats such as Inspiration, Resourcefulness, Multicraft, Finesse, Deftness, and more!
  • Profession Tools and Accessories: augmenting the profession secondary stats, this new type of gear provides these bonuses and adds some flair to professions. You can work in style with new Appearances, from Herbalism baskets to Blacksmithing hammers.
  • Crafting Orders: Crafting Orders are a unique way for you to provide crafting services in an Auction House-like setting. Gone are the days of having to have a specific Profession on a specific character to use a specific piece of gear - simply place a Crafting Order and have someone fill it for you! The main allure of Crafting Orders is allowing someone besides the crafter to use a BoP item- be it armor, weapons, consumables, or more.
  • Specializations and Profession Knowledge: there are massive talent tree-like system in professions. While similar to previous iterations of Specializations, this system allows you to choose how you wish to develop your profession: as a crafter, do you want to focus on making top-tier armor? As a gatherer, do you focus on collecting the highest quality materials? Or do you want to focus entirely on something else? The great news is that, given enough time and patience, you can eventually learn all of chosen profession Specializations.