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The Loremaster

Rated Excellent 5 stars on Trustpilot based on 3,438 reviews on

Buy The Loremaster to add one of the most challenging achievement in World of Warcraft to your collection. Completing this achievement requires finishing every storyline quest across all WoW expansions.

With The Loremaster service, you won’t even notice how quickly this achievement will become yours. Let us handle the grind while you enjoy the rewards of this prestigious title!

WoW The Loremaster Boost Includes

Delivery time

  • We will start boost within 15-30 minutes after you have placed WoW The loremaster order.


  • 60+ level character for full The Loremaster meta-achievement or any expansion up to Shadowlands.
  • Max level character for Dragonflight and The War Within Lorermasters.
  • If you don't have one, consider using our WoW Leveling Service.
The Loremaster
Rated Excellent 5 stars on Trustpilot
based on 3,438 reviews on
The Loremaster
15-30 minutes
Time to start
Choose your region
Boost Method
Tracking Options
DELIVERY_TIME order completion

Why use ConquestCapped

24/7 support
VPN protection
Competitive prices
Only safe boosting methods
Money-back guarantee
Secure payments
We offer some of the best prices on the market and are open to negotiation
Customer Support is available 24/7 with average reply time under 2 minutes
Since 2015, we provide honest and safe boosting services without use of hacking, exploiting, or botting
We use leading payment solutions such as Stripe and PayPal and do not store your payment data
Full refunds available before service starts; partial refunds during service

Real Customer Reviews

1 day ago
Everything worked perfectly, I was unsure at first because I had never used the service before, but everything was explained to me calmly
1 day ago
1 Word "Professional"
I am delighted, very fast and a great team, would gladly come back anytime. Everything is understandable.
1 day ago
Amazing services
Communicative, great customer service, very patient and knowledgeable. Would definitely use again.
1 day ago
Bonjour je connaissez pas le service et…
Bonjour je connaissez pas le service et franchement je me suis lancer et j'en suis ravi ! j'ai obtenu la Tramsmog du druide tank de la tour des mages. réalisé en même pas 10 minutes !
1 day ago
Excellent service
As always, top-notch service! Fast, efficient, and super professional. Highly recommended.
1 day ago
thank you very happy
1 day ago
Absolutely wonderful experience
Absolutely wonderful experience, the service was provided swiftly and I could follow everything by streaming. I definitely recommend it, it was my first time using it and it couldn't have been any simpler.
2 days ago
A really good service
I was a bit skeptical at first because I wasn't sure if my money would just disappear. So I booked a raid on HC in remote play to see how it all works before I place my large order. I was very satisfied. The service is very good, friendly and very professional. After everything worked well, I booked my large order. I also booked this in remote play because I wanted to see how a professional plays with my character. I am absolutely satisfied. The service was really great and everything worked smoothly. The booster was also very friendly, very conscientious, and absolutely professional! I will definitely order something from here again!
2 days ago
Conquest Capped Delivers
These guys always deliver fast, consistent and reliable results at a value. I highly recommend them for anyone needing a boost in their game experience
2 days ago
Fantastic !
It was good as always.
Esther Gaida
2 days ago
Everything is great and on time.
Everything is great and on time.
2 days ago
This was easy and safe!
This was easy and safe. Payment made, they contacted me and everything was done. The people you interact with are professional. I have tested a couple of the services they offer. I recommend them to anyone looking to move forward. You can get them on discord, always offering help of advice. All the way from South Africa. Thanks, you made my WOW experience even better.
Dewald Koch
2 days ago
Very professional and friendly
Very professional and friendly. Kept in constant communication. Perfectly safe. Will definitely use again! Thanks much!
2 days ago
Extremely helpfull, effective and professional
Used many services like this before, but never through this site. Their quick and professional responses, willingness to make customized services, quick and helpfull replies was really good. Will stronly recommend using these in the future, cause I certainly will!
2 days ago
Es hat wie immer pünktlich geklappt und…
Es hat wie immer pünktlich geklappt und wir durften mitspielen ein dickes danke schön besonders an die Heiler

WoW The Loremaster Achievement Boosting Service

The Loremaster boost will help you conquer one of the most grueling achievements in World of Warcraft. While questing might seem straightforward, the sheer volume of quests required to achieve Loremaster is staggering, involving thousands of quests spread across every expansion.

This achievement is not just about ticking boxes—there are countless rewards to be gained along the way, including gold, mounts, toys, pets, and various items. However, the time investment required is enormous, making it one of the most time-consuming achievements in the game.

Our Loremaster boosting services handle everything for you, allowing you to skip the grind entirely. While you're away from the game, our experienced team will complete all the necessary quests, ensuring you receive all the associated rewards without the hassle. This service is perfect for players who want to enjoy the prestige and benefits of the Loremaster title without the endless grind.

The Loremaster Achievements for Sale

With each expansion release, the number of quests required to complete the Loremaster achievement has grown significantly. Our Loremaster achievement boost service covers a vast array of content, ensuring that all necessary quests across different expansions are completed efficiently. This includes:

Expansion Meta-Achievement Includes
Classic - Eastern Kingdoms
(648 quests)
Loremaster of Eastern Kingdoms Arathi Highlands Quests
Blasted Lands Quests
Cape of Stranglethorn Quests
Hinterlands Quests
Searing Gorge Quests
Western Plaguelands Quests
Redridge Mountains Quests
Hillsbrad Foothills Quests
Badlands Quests
Burning Steppes Quests
Eastern Plaguelands Quests
Northern Stranglethorn Quests
Swamp of Sorrows Quests
Westfall & Duskwood Quests
Silverpine Forest Quests
Ghostlands Quests
Loch Modan & Wetlands Quests
Classic - Kalimdor
(753 quests)
Loremaster of Kalimdor Ashenvale Quests / Ashenvale Quests
Darkshore Quests / Azshara Quests
Dustwallow Marsh Quests / Dustwallow Marsh Quests
Feralas Quests / Feralas Quests
Southern Barrens Quests / Southern Barrens Quests
Tanaris Quests
Un'Goro Crater Quests
Bloodmyst Isle Quests / Northern Barrens Quests
Desolace Quests
Felwood Quests
Silithus Quests
Stonetalon Mountains Quests / Stonetalon Mountains Quests
Thousand Needles Quests
Winterspring Quests
The Burning Crusade
(562 quests)
Loremaster of Outland To Hellfire and Back / To Hellfire and Back
Terror of Terokkar / Terror of Terokkar
On the Blade's Edge
Shadow of the Betrayer
Mysteries of the Marsh
Nagrand Slam / Nagrand Slam
Into the Nether
Wrath of the Lich King
(875 quests)
Loremaster of Northrend Nothing Boring About Borean / Nothing Boring About Borean
Might of Dragonblight / Might of Dragonblight
The Empire of Zul'Drak
The Summit of Storm Peaks
I've Toured the Fjord / I've Toured the Fjord
Fo' Grizzle My Shizzle / Fo' Grizzle My Shizzle
Into the Basin
Icecrown: The Final Goal
(590 quests)
Loremaster of Cataclysm Sinking Into Vashj'ir / Sinking into Vashj'ir
Deep into Deepholm
Fading Into Twilight / Fading into Twilight
Coming Down the Mountain
Unearthing Uldum
Mists of Pandaria
(~600 quests)
Loremaster of Pandaria Rally the Valley
Dread Haste Makes Dread Waste
Mighty Roamin' Krasaranger / Mighty Roamin' Krasaranger
One Steppe Forward, Two Steppes Back
Upjade Complete / Upjade Complete
Slum It in the Summit / Slum It in the Summit
Warlords of Draenor
(440+ quests)
Loremaster of Draenor As I Walk Through the Valley of the Shadow of Moon
Don't Let the Tala-door Hit You on the Way Out
Putting the Gore in Gorgrond
Between Arak and a Hard Place
(585 quests)
Loremaster of Legion Azsuna Matata
Vrykul Story, Bro
Good Suramaritan
That's Val'sharah Folks!
Ain't No Mountain High Enough
Battle for Azeroth - Alliance
(773 quests)
Loremaster of Kul Tiras A Sound Plan
Stormsong and Dance
Drust Do It.
Battle for Azeroth - Horde
(773 quests)
Loremaster of Zandalar The Throne of Zuldazar
Secrets in the Sands
The Dark Heart of Nazmir
(498 quests)/
Loremaster of Shadowlands The Path to Ascension
Blade of the Primus
Awaken, Ardenweald
The Master of Revendreth
Sojourner of Bastion
Sojourner of Maldraxxus
Sojourner of Ardenweald
Sojourner of Revendreth
(Over 600 quests)
Loremaster of the Dragon Isles Waking Hope
Azure Spanner
Just Don't Ask Me to Spell It
Sojourner of the Waking Shores
Sojourner of Ohn'ahran Plains
Sojourner of Azure Span
Sojourner of Thaldraszus
The War Within
(Over 700 quests)
Loremaster of Khaz Algar The Isle of Dorn
Sojourner of Isle of Dorn
Sojourner of Hallowfall
The Ringing Deeps
Sojourner of The Ringing Deeps
Sojourner of Azj-Kahet
The War Within - Delves
(36 Delve's stories)
Delve Loremaster: War Within Fungal Folly Stories
Earthcrawl Mines Stories
The Dread Pit Stories
Mycomancer Cavern Stories
Skittering Breach Stories
Tak-Rethan Abyss Stories
Kriegval's Rest Stories
The Waterworks Stories
Nightfall Sanctum Stories
The Sinkhole Stories
The Underkeep Stories
The Spiral Weave Stories

Why Buy WoW Loremaster Boost

Don't let the number of locations in each expansion fool you - these zones are vast and filled with countless quests. Completing each segment of the Loremaster achievement can easily take several weeks of dedicated gameplay. If you don’t have that much time on your hands, our Loremaster carry service is the ideal solution.

By buying The Loremaster service, you can free up your schedule for more important tasks, while our expert boosters handle all the detailed work. We’ll efficiently complete each location, ensuring you earn the Loremaster title as quickly as possible without the grind.

Should you have any lingering questions, feel free to reach out to us via chat. We’re available 24/7 to provide assistance and answer any concerns you may have. Let us simplify your path to the Loremaster title and make the process as smooth as possible!

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2 minutes average response time

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Average response time 2 minutes

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