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WoW Expansion Features Boost

Rated Excellent 5 stars on Trustpilot based on 3,526 reviews on
Rated Excellent 5 stars on Trustpilot
based on 3,526 reviews on

Even older WoW expansions still offer valuable rewards. However, tackling these past expansion features can be challenging due to their group requirements and time-consuming nature, especially with fewer players engaging in them now. Our WoW Expansion boosting services are designed to help you overcome these hurdles, allowing you to enjoy the rewards from legacy content effortlessly.

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Why use ConquestCapped

24/7 support
VPN protection
Competitive prices
Only safe boosting methods
Money-back guarantee
Secure payments
We offer some of the best prices on the market and are open to negotiation
Customer Support is available 24/7 with average reply time under 2 minutes
Since 2015, we provide honest and safe boosting services without use of hacking, exploiting, or botting
We use leading payment solutions such as Stripe and PayPal and do not store your payment data
Full refunds available before service starts; partial refunds during service

Real Customer Reviews

1 day ago
war wie immer alles ok und besonderen…
war wie immer alles ok und besonderen Dank an die wunderbaren Heiler
1 day ago
Excellent service
Excellent service, fast, efficient and very friendly. I have used their services twice and each time they have been great. I recommend them.
Cedric free
1 day ago
I don't what those guys doing but god damn they know well what they are doing. Best customer servicer In this week alone I boost 4 characters they FAST ASF.
1 day ago
HC raid
It was fast and smooth HC raid
1 day ago
Sehr schnelle Über-Endbuild Bearbeitung…
Sehr schnelle Über-Endbuild Bearbeitung bin sehr zufrieden Wrath
Peter Linder
1 day ago
Sehr gutes Über-Endgamebuild für Mönch…
Sehr gutes Über-Endgamebuild für Mönch bin sehr zufrieden sehr gut gemacht Wrath
Peter Linder
1 day ago
Quick and reliable service
2 days ago
Très bonne expérience avec des gens…
Très bonne expérience avec des gens performants et professionnels
2 days ago
Very kind and helpful customer service…
Very kind and helpful customer service as a first time user!! They were very patient with me and helped me out throughout the whole procedure!
2 days ago
Es wurde schnell abgearbeitet
Es wurde schnell abgearbeitet
2 days ago
Everytime its works perfect
Andi Cohrs
2 days ago
Very good!
Very fast response, and very smooth service, the rep was very kind and communicative throughout the whole process. Very recommended!
2 days ago
Safe and Legit
It was my first time using this service and it was done very easily and safe. I watched as the pro completed the Mage Tower Challenge and it was incredible! I kept wiping when I tried it, but hey that's why they're the pros!
2 days ago
Good communication
Good communication, fast service
Gunnar Wigelund
2 days ago
Excellent service every time!
Cheater McCheaterson

WoW Expansion Features Boosting Services

Ever since its second expansion in 2008, expansion features have been a key element of WoW. Each expansion brings new mechanics and achievements for players to engage with. Though some of these features are quite old, they still offer substantial rewards that are valuable even today.

While current expansion features might be more straightforward to complete, older expansions pose a greater challenge. Many achievements related to these features require group participation or are incredibly time-consuming. The difficulty is increased by the fact that not many players are still involved in these activities. Our WoW services aim to alleviate this issue, allowing you to enjoy the rewards from older content.

Warcraft Expansion Features Services for Sale

Ever wondered what defines an expansion feature, the rewards they offer, and what makes them fun? Expansion features introduce various mechanics that are usually specific to one expansion and often forgotten later. But it doesn't have to be this way! Many of these features still offer enjoyment and rewards today.

Exploring the game's history and legacy content can be very interesting for many players. WoW has a long history, often overlooked by those who only play the latest expansion. By exploring legacy content, players can earn a multitude of rewards, including mounts, transmogs, titles, toys, and achievements.

Here is a list of all the expansion features introduced in the game over the years:

WoW Expansion Name Features of the Add-on
Wrath of the Lich King Level cap raised to 80
Death Knight Hero class
New PvP/World PvP content
Argent Tournament PvE event
Cataclysm Level cap raised to 85
new zones:Mount Hyjal, the sunken world of Vashj'ir, Deepholm, Uldum and the Twilight Highlands
Two new playable races worgen and goblins
The ability to use flying mounts in Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms
The secondary profession Archaeology
Mists of Pandaria Level cap raised to 90
New continent Pandaria with Scenarios
Class Monk, with three specializations: the Brewmaster (a tanking class), the Mistweaver (hybrid healing), and the Windwalker (melee DPS)
Pandaren race, playable by both Alliance and Horde
Dungeon Challenge Modes
Black Market Auction, bid on special items that are not normally sold by NPCs
Warlords of Draenor Level cap raised to 100, new level 100 talents
New world: Draenor of a parallel past
Ashran - a new sandbox PvP zone featuring bases
Build and upgrade your own garrison
Group Finder - a new feature to find players and form groups for 5-40 player activities
Legion Level cap increased to 110
Demon hunter hero class
New continent: the Broken Isles
Dalaran moving from Northrend to become the new capital city
Artifact weapons - 36 to encompass all specializations
Order Halls with unique campaigns for each class
Battle for Azeroth Level cap raised to 120
New continents: Kul Tiras and Zandalar Island expedition 3-player scenarios
Ten new allied races who start at level 20
Heritage armor - Race specific cosmetic armor sets
Shadowlands New Leveling System with level cap 60
New continent: Shadowlands with four main zones
New System of four Covenants that provide different signature and class abilities
Soulbinds System, where you will become Soulbound to one of the NPCs of your chosen Covenant
Torghast, Tower of the Damned
Legendaries from The Runecarver with an entirely new acquisition system
Dragonflight New Landmass: the Dragon Isles
New Class: Evoker
New Race: Dracthyr
Talent Tree rework
Dragonriding Mobility System

WoW Expansion Boosting Rewards

Now that we've explored the expansion features added over the years, let's take a closer look at some of the rewards. Starting with the main feature of the Shadowlands expansion - Torghast, Tower of the Damned. Conquering this tower is no easy task, and the rewards are a testament to that. Players can earn rare mounts like the Colossal Ebonclaw Mawrat and the Mawsworn Charger by completing various achievements in Torghast.

Reflecting back on Legion, players can obtain their class artifact. Although these artifacts aren't useful for stats today, they are visually stunning and make for great weapon transmogs.

Turning to an older expansion, we find the Garrison building from Warlords of Draenor. This extensive activity can yield some fantastic mounts and a host of impressive titles, such as Warlord of Draenor, Orcslayer, The Death Stalker, and many more.

So by buying our WoW Old Expansion Boost you can enjoy the unique features of each WoW content.

Buying Expansion Features Boost Services

Discover the excitement of older WoW expansion features, and let us help you complete them quickly and stress-free. Explore our extensive selection of expansion feature carries available for purchase, and choose the one that best suits your needs. If you can't find what you're looking for, we can create a custom service just for you. Simply reach out to us via online chat or Discord, and we'll be happy to assist you anytime. Expand your collection with ConquestCapped today!