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Druid Skins Customization

Rated Excellent 5 stars on Trustpilot based on 3,537 reviews on

Buy WoW Druid Forms to acquire the new Bear, Cat, and Travel forms from Dragonflight 10.2, along with additional Moonkin customization options. While Druids may not fully embrace the benefits of transmogrification, our Druid Forms boost allows you to alter the standard appearance of your characters and experience them in a fresh light. Whether the source is open-world events or Mythic raids, we will obtain these forms for you.

WoW Druid Form Boost Includes

  • Selected Druid Bear, Cat, or Travel forms or Moonkin form customizations unlocked;
  • Activities such as The Emerald Dream event, defeating rare enemies, riddle solving, or Amirdrassil raid completion.

Additional options

  • The Emerald Dream Unlock - We will complete all necessary side quests to get access to this zone.

Delivery time

We will start WoW Druid Form boost within 15-30 minutes and completion time depends on selected apperances.

List of all available Druid Forms for sale and specific ETA you can see in the table below:

Druid Form & Type Customization ETA
Hibernating Runebear
Hibernating Runebear Druid Form ~random
Verdant Bristlebruin
Verdant Bristlebruin Druid Form ~random
Ashen Bristlebruin
Ashen Bristlebruin Druid Form ~2-3 days
Loamy Umbraclaw
Loamy Umbraclaw Druid Form ~2-3 days
Snowy Umbraclaw
Snowy Umbraclaw Druid Form ~2-3 days
Dark Umbraclaw
Dark Umbraclaw Druid Form ~random
Moon-Blessed Dreamsaber
Moon-Blessed Dreamsaber Druid Form ~2-3 days
Keen-Eyed Dreamsaber
Keen-Eyed Dreamsaber Druid Form ~random
Evergreen Dreamsaber
Evergreen Dreamsaber Druid Form ~2-3 days
Fire Moonkin
Fire Moonkin Druid Form ~random
Sable Dreamtalon
Sable Dreamtalon Druid Form ~random
Boreal Dreamtalon
Boreal Dreamtalon Druid Form ~2-3 days
Dreamtalon Matriarch
Dreamtalon Matriarch Druid Form ~random
Auroral Dreamtalon
Auroral Dreamtalon Druid Form ~2-3 days
Thriving Dreamtalon
Thriving Dreamtalon Druid Form ~2-3 days
Lush Dreamstag
Lush Dreamstag Druid Form ~2-3 days
Auric Dreamstag
Auric Dreamstag Druid Form ~2-3 days
Smoldering Dreamstag
Smoldering Dreamstag Druid Form ~random
Blazing Somnowl
Blazing Somnowl Druid Form ~1 reset
Azure Somnowl
Azure Somnowl Druid Form ~2-3 days
Slumbering Somnowl
Slumbering Somnowl Druid Form ~2-3 days
Prismatic Whiskerfish
Prismatic Whiskerfish Druid Form ~2-3 days


  • Max level Druid character. If you don't have one, consider using our powerleveling service.
  • The Emerald Dream zone unlocked.
Druid Skins Customization
Rated Excellent 5 stars on Trustpilot
based on 3,537 reviews on
Druid Skins Customization
15-30 minutes
Time to start
Choose your region
Boost Method
Bear Forms
Cat Forms
Moonkin Form
Grounded Travel Forms
Flight Travel Forms
Aquatic Travel Form
Additional options
Tracking Options
DELIVERY_TIME order completion

Why use ConquestCapped

24/7 support
VPN protection
Competitive prices
Only safe boosting methods
Money-back guarantee
Secure payments
We offer some of the best prices on the market and are open to negotiation
Customer Support is available 24/7 with average reply time under 2 minutes
Since 2015, we provide honest and safe boosting services without use of hacking, exploiting, or botting
We use leading payment solutions such as Stripe and PayPal and do not store your payment data
Full refunds available before service starts; partial refunds during service

Real Customer Reviews

1 day ago
Everytime its works perfect
Andi Cohrs
1 day ago
Very good!
Very fast response, and very smooth service, the rep was very kind and communicative throughout the whole process. Very recommended!
1 day ago
Safe and Legit
It was my first time using this service and it was done very easily and safe. I watched as the pro completed the Mage Tower Challenge and it was incredible! I kept wiping when I tried it, but hey that's why they're the pros!
1 day ago
Good communication
Good communication, fast service
Gunnar Wigelund
1 day ago
Excellent service every time!
Cheater McCheaterson
1 day ago
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1 day ago
Hat alles super geklappt
Hat alles super geklappt
2 days ago
First time user
First time user. Amazing service with fast response via discord. followed instructions and got what I paid for within 10 mins! Will definitely be using again.Thank you
2 days ago
Fast, Secure and Friendly!
Fast, secure, and friendly! I use them for every boost!
Cheater McCheaterson
2 days ago
Great experience and amazing customer…
Great experience and amazing customer service
Alexander Peasley
2 days ago
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Vegeta LssjMongole
2 days ago
Great Service
Great Service. Directly invited to the Boost. And finished the Boost within a few Moments!!!! Thanks Great Team and God like Players !!!!
2 days ago
Tier 3 Boost
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2 days ago
I can recommend it 100%
I can recommend it 100%. Very good communication.I'd be happy to come back :)
2 days ago
ist alles bestens gelaufen und ein…
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WoW Druid Forms Boosting

Since the introduction of the Transmog system in the game, players have had the ability to change their character appearances at any time. However, Druids often find themselves limited in terms of form variety. Luckily, with each expansion, developers introduce new customization opportunities for the Druid class. In Dragonflight patch 10.2, we've received several dozen new forms and customization options.

Unlock Druid Form Customizations with our boosting service and acquire all the new appearances introduced in Dragonflight Patch 10.2. Obtain these items efficiently by defeating rares, discovering treasures, and conquering bosses throughout the Emerald Dream. Purchase Druid Form Customizations from us to swiftly diversify your bear, cat, moonkin, travel, flying, or aquatic forms. By opting for our Druid Forms carry service, you can acquire the following forms and customizations:

  • Bear forms;
  • Cat forms;
  • Moonkin color, decoration, and effect customizations;
  • Grounded travel forms;
  • Flying travel forms;
  • Aquatic travel form.

Please note that these forms and customization options drop from various sources, so the execution time of the Druid Appearances boost will vary depending on the specific forms and the quantity you wish to obtain.

Druid Forms Items and Source Table

Below is a table showcasing all the new Druid forms introduced in Dragonflight, including Moonkin customization options:

Druid Bear Forms

Druid Bear Form name Required Item Source
Hibernating Runebear Mark of the Hibernating Runebear Rare drop from The Emerald Dream World Boss
Verdant Bristlebruin Mark of the Verdant Bristlebruin Rare drop in The Emerald Dream
Ashen Bristlebruin Pollenfused Bristlebruin Fur Sample Treasure in The Emerald Dream
Loamy Umbraclaw Mark of the Loamy Umbraclaw Riddle in The Emerald Dream
Snowy Umbraclaw Mark of the Snowy Umbraclaw Emerald Bounties event reward
(purchasable for Seedbloom)
Dark Umbraclaw Mark of the Umbramane Rare drop in The Emerald Dream

Druid Cat Forms

Druid Cat Form name Required Item Source
Moon-Blessed Dreamsaber Moon-Blessed Claw Riddle in The Emerald Dream
Keen-Eyed Dreamsaber Mark of the Keen-Eyed Dreamsaber Rare drop in The Emerald Dream
Evergreen Dreamsaber Mark of the Evergreen Dreamsaber Riddle in The Emerald Dream

Druid Moonkin Customization

Druid Moonkin Form name Required Item Source
Fire Moonkin Feather of the Smoke Red Moon Rare drop in Amirdrassil raid

Druid Grounded Travel Forms

Druid Travel Form name Required Item Source
Sable Dreamtalon Mark of the Sable Dreamtalon Rare drop in The Emerald Dream
Boreal Dreamtalon Mark of the Boreal Dreamtalon Emerald Bounties event reward
(purchasable for Seedbloom)
Dreamtalon Matriarch Mark of the Dreamtalon Matriarch Rare drop in The Emerald Dream
Auroral Dreamtalon Mark of the Auroral Dreamtalon Emerald Bounties event reward
(purchasable for Seedbloom)
Thriving Dreamtalon Mark of the Thriving Dreamtalon Riddle in The Emerald Dream
Lush Dreamstag Mark of the Lush Dreamstag Riddle in The Emerald Dream
Auric Dreamstag Mark of the Auric Dreamstag Emerald Bounties event reward
(purchasable for Seedbloom)
Smoldering Dreamstag Mark of the Smoldering Dreamstag Rare drop in The Emerald Dream

Druid Flights Travel Forms

Druid Travel Form name Required Item Source
Blazing Somnowl Feather of the Blazing Somnowl Rare drop in Amirdrassil raid
Azure Somnowl Feather of Friends Questline
Slumbering Somnowl Mark of the Slumbering Somnowl Riddle in The Emerald Dream

Druid Aquatic Travel Form

Druid Travel Form name Required Item Source
Prismatic Whiskerfish Scale of the Prismatic Whiskerfish Riddle in Amirdrassil raid
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