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Imp in a Ball

Rated Excellent 5 stars on Trustpilot based on 3,489 reviews on

Looking to buy Imp in a Ball? We'll make it easy for you to add this elusive TCG toy to your World of Warcraft collection. This item was once a rewarding prize from the now discontinued WoW Trading Card Game (TCG), and currently, Imp in a Ball can be acquired solely via the Black Market Auction House (BMAH). Acquiring it could cost millions of gold and several months of effort. Don’t want to go through the hassle? Let us handle it and we'll get Imp in a Ball for you in no time!

Although the initial codes for TCG loot such as Imp in a Ball are still valid and can be redeemed at Landro Longshot in Booty Bay, new codes haven't been issued since the TCG was discontinued in 2013. This has led to a limited supply, which significantly increases the value of Imp in a Ball. Moreover, most sellers on Ebay prefer to deal with physical scratch cards rather than digital codes, meaning there may be a delay in receiving your item.

An effective way to obtain Imp in a Ball is through the Black Market, where various TCG items appear monthly. However, Blizzard’s changes in Shadowlands make it more challenging, as only max-level characters can access BMAH now. In earlier expansions, acquiring Imp in a Ball was straightforward: simply create a level 1 character on the desired realm, buy enough gold, place a bid, win the auction, and Imp in a Ball was yours. Now it requires a max-level character, making it impractical to level up a new character in the short window between when the item appears and the auction ends. The only practical way now is to transfer a high-level character and hope you get lucky.

Character transfers are not free. Thus, succeeding in this endeavor relies heavily on an understanding of historical BMAH price trends and the level of competition on different realms. Therefore, buying Imp in a Ball TCG toy from seasoned PRO players with extensive experience and ample gold reserves on various realms is the most efficient route to add these prized legacy items to your collection!

WoW Imp in a Ball Boost Includes

How buying Imp in a Ball from BMAH works?

Our process for obtaining Imp in a Ball from Black Market is very simple and straightforward:

  • 1. You need to provide access to your account upgraded to the latest WoW expansion. We recommend creating a new sub-account (WoW2, etc.), so we never interrupt your playing on the main account.
  • 1.1 Order 3 Character Transfers bundle via in-game shop.
  • 2. We will begin monitoring Black Market for Imp in a Ball on 20+ different realms.
  • 3. Once the item appears on any server, we will transfer there and start bidding using our large stock of gold and win it with 95% chance on the first try.
  • 4. If, for some reason, we lose the bidding, we will repeat steps 2-3.
  • 5. We will repeat steps 2-4 until your order is completed.
  • 6. PROFIT!

As you can see our method of getting Imp in a Ball is very simple. Our vast experience in providing BMAH services allows us to rapidly detect any items as they spawn and do the bidding with 95% chance of success. The whole process is designed to be as safe as possible without ever touching your main account. Got any more questions? Contact us in web chat or on Discord and we will answer.


  • This service is Piloted only: we will need you to provide access to your WoW account upgraded to the latest expansion. We recommend creating an additional sub-account (WoW2, etc.) for this.
  • No need to have any gold on your account. We will use our own stock of gold.
  • 3 character transfer bundle purchased.
  • You need to have 80 level character. BMAH is available to characters from level 80.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Imp in a Ball service work?
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Is it safe?
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Why do you need maximum level character?
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What about character transfers?
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Is it a problem that I have Authenticator?
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Can I use my account during the boost?
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Why is it taking so long?
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What happens after payment?
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Imp in a Ball
Rated Excellent 5 stars on Trustpilot
based on 3,489 reviews on
Imp in a Ball
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Real Customer Reviews

1 day ago
Excellent comme toujours
Excellent comme toujours, merci à eux, je recommande vraiment !!!!!
1 day ago
Quick and fast service as always
Quick and fast service as always! Very much recommended.
1 day ago
Great mage Tower
Super fast mage tower. Fast, friendly and for sure recommended! I will be trying more services.
1 day ago
Excellent and fast service 10 min…
Excellent and fast service 10 min between the payement and the gold in my bags.I reccomend
1 day ago
[Cyclobraise forgé par la haine]
Fast and good !
1 day ago
Everything as expected
Everything as expectedQuick support, a plessure to watch, safeno risk
1 day ago
Spitzenservice! Immer bemüht und immer einen Lösungsvorschlag. Preise sind sehr gut.
2 days ago
Brilliant, very fast and very efficient
Darren Bradbury
2 days ago
Run effectué sans problème, équipe sérieuse, je recommande. Merci.Run completed without problem, serious team, I recommend. Thx
2 days ago
They did this achievment I could´t do in no time
They did this achievment I could´t do, contacted me 5 mins. after my order and about half hour later I had the achievment. Awesome.
2 days ago
It was fast and easy
It was fast and easy. Couldn't be happier
2 days ago
Awesome service
Andi Cohrs
2 days ago
Very fast very Nice
2 days ago
they are again proving to be the best
they are again proving to be the best. teaching me the mechanics for the raid at my own pace and that cannot be understated
2 days ago
Excellent Service - 100% Satisfied.
Product was delivered on time without issue. Great service. If I had to knit-pick. The hours of operation of the levelers and account handoff can be tricky. Chat can be a little difficult but this is a seriously small gripe. I would 100% use this service again no question… and probably will haha.
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