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WoW PvE Transmog Sets Boost

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Rated Excellent 5 stars on Trustpilot
based on 3,519 reviews on

After purchasing our PvE Transmog Sets Boost, your role becomes simply to relax and enjoy your free time. Our team of professional players will take over, diligently farming on your behalf to acquire the transmog sets you desire.

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We offer some of the best prices on the market and are open to negotiation
Customer Support is available 24/7 with average reply time under 2 minutes
Since 2015, we provide honest and safe boosting services without use of hacking, exploiting, or botting
We use leading payment solutions such as Stripe and PayPal and do not store your payment data
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1 day ago
HC raid
It was fast and smooth HC raid
1 day ago
Always have great runs with…
Always have great runs with conquestcapped. Groups are put together pretty quick and we timed everything :)
1 day ago
Super fast easy to work with.Will use…
Super fast easy to work with.Will use again!
Cameron Long
1 day ago
The service was simply fantastic!
The service was simply fantastic!From the moment you placed your order, you were always kept up to date. Once someone was found, everything went very quickly! You could watch remotely. Everything was done in 10 minutes.You got exactly what you ordered.I'd be happy to go back and highly recommend it.
Sven Reuther
1 day ago
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1 day ago
80 Boost + Full Honor Gear
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1 day ago
This is the best boosting website I’ve used
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Perfect Dealer
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Excellent service
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2 days ago
Good communication
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Gunnar Wigelund
2 days ago
Sehr schnelle Über-Endbuild Bearbeitung…
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Peter Linder
2 days ago
Sehr gutes Über-Endgamebuild für Mönch…
Sehr gutes Über-Endgamebuild für Mönch bin sehr zufrieden sehr gut gemacht Wrath
Peter Linder
2 days ago
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2 days ago
Très bonne expérience avec des gens…
Très bonne expérience avec des gens performants et professionnels

WoW PvE Sets Transmogrification Boosting

Whatever you do in World of Warcraft, remember to do it with style. In our PvE transmog section, you can find some cool and beautiful transmog sets, from Classic to the latest WoW expansions.

It will be no secret to you that transmog sets farming, like any other loot from raids, involves long and boring grind. You would need to clear raids from beginning to an end, killing bosses in the hope that part of the set you need will drop. But with low drop chances, you could waste a lot of your time, from weeks to even months on mindless and boring farm.

But why suffer with all that farm when you just want to add one more cool transmog set to your collection? You could get any PvE raid sets in any color scheme to expand your collection and make it large enough to make your character transmog even cooler and more unique. So, how could you do it? Answer is simple. After you have bought our PvE Transmog Sets Boost you just need to chill and wait in comfort while our PRO players do all the farm for you!

Why you should buy WoW PvE Transmog Sets Boost

Most of the great-looking PvE sets are hard to obtain, because they are locked behind long and repeatable raiding or old content grinding. With low drop chances, you could spend a lot of your free time farming some old raid that you have already beaten many years ago. It's interesting to go back from where you start, but after you have done so for a hundred times... it's a real pain to grind these old-school raids and other PvE content, not to mention that some of this PvE content is impossible to complete alone. You would need to find a party of people ready to help you, but even so, they would want to get the same pieces of PvE transmog sets as you.

With all that having been said, you should consider buying our PvE Transmog Sets Boost to make your life much easier. We already have a team of PRO players that would gladly help and farm any PvE transmog sets for you, as well as all loot from chosen raid and all bosses and mobs inside it.

What PvE Transmog Sets you could get?

There are many raids in World of Warcraft. From Classic to Legion each raid has its own unique armor set for each class, but since the Battle for Azeroth there are no more class sets; instead, now we have sets divided by armor type (which of course doesn’t make them less cool). Any of these raid transmog sets could be obtained to expand your transmog collection.

Classic Raid Sets

Each Heroe’s of Azeroth journey through Classic WoW starts from simple quests and ends with difficult and grindy raids. From these raids you could obtain a lot of cool loot, as well as raid transmog sets that could become a beautiful addition to your transmog collection.

From Molten Core you could get Tier 1 Set, from Blackwing Lair you could obtain Tier 2 Set and from Temple of Ahn'Qiraj you could get Tier 2.5 Set. As for Tier 3 Set, you should check our Black Market (BMAH) boost because there is no other way to obtain these sets since the release of WotLK expansion.

After you have collected any full Classic raid set for any class, you would get a relevant achievement, such as So Hot Right Now, Dress in Lairs and Accessor-Eyes.

Burning Crusade Raid Sets

In pursuit of Illidan and other villains of Outland, you will stumble upon some not so easy to complete raids with even cooler and harder bosses in the end. Like in the other WoW expansions, to obtain full cool and beautiful raid transmog sets, you would need to kill a lot of bosses and grind a lot of long and sometimes boring raids. In TBC it's even harder to do, because you need to go through not only one raid, but several of them, because Burning Crusade tier pieces are divided between two or three raids. Each of these sets has its own aesthetic that is relevant to the expansion theme.

You could obtain Tier 4 Set from Gruul's Lair, Karazhan and Magtheridon's Lair. For Tier 5 set you would need to go through Serpentshrine Cavern and The Eye raids. As for Tier 6 Set you should kill bosses of Hyjal Summit and Black Temple raids. For some cool Blood Elfs themed transmog you should check Sunwell Plateau raid for 6.5 Tier Set.

After you have collected any full TBC raids set for any class, you would get a relevant achievement, such as Outlandish Style, Merely a Set, Black is the New Black and Suns Out, Thori'dals Out.

Wrath of the Lich King Raid Sets

If you want to defeat the Lich King you should do it in style. But what if your collection of transmog armor is pretty small? Well, we are here to help you with that! You could obtain a lot of cool transmog armor sets from WotLK raids. You could find these sets in different color schemes due to features in WotLK expansion and new raid difficulties. So, choose carefully or choose all of the raid transmog set variants and we'll get all of them for you without a hassle!

From mighty bosses of Naxxramas you could obtain Tier 7 Set that look rather familiar... that's because, Tier 7 Sets are a recolor of Tier 3 Sets. And if you could obtain Tier 3 Sets only from Black Market (BMAH), Tier 7 Sets could be farmed from raid bosses as usual. To obtain Tier 8 Set you need to go through Ulduar, and if you want something really interesting and unique, you should check faction-restricted Tier 9 Set from Trial of the Crusader. In you final push to stop the Lich King himself, you could collect and obtain Tier 10 Set from Icecrown Citadel raid.

Just like with other expansion raid transmog sets, after you have collected any full Wrath of the Lich King raid set for any class, you would get a relevant achievement, such as Undying Aesthetic, Mogg-Saron, Style of the Crusader, Winter Catalog.

Cataclysm Raid Sets

There are even cooler PvE transmog sets that you could get from Cata raids. Each boss is unique and not easy to kill on your own, and each raid set has its own cool aesthetic. Like in WotLK raid sets are divided by raid difficulty, so for each raid you could obtain the same set in different color schemes. It could take a lot of you time to collect all of them!

You could obtain Tier 11 Sets from The Bastion of Twilight and Blackwing Descent raids. If you want to add fiery Tier 12 Sets to you collection you would need to go through Firelands raid. And for Tier 13 Sets you would have to kill Deathwing himself in Dragon Soul raid!

Just like other expansion raid tiers, collecting full set for any class will award you a special achievement such as Glamour of Twilight, Hot Couture and Wardrobe of the Old Gods.

Mist of Pandaria Raid Sets

In mysterious Pandaria, you could visit some cool and unique-themed raids to get many cool sets. Some of these sets have a hard Pandaria vibe aesthetic and others have an Old Gods theme, but all of them are cool and unique and could become your favorite part of your transmog collection! With the new Monk class as MoP expansion feature, you could collect even more cool class-restricted raid sets. Just like Cata raid sets, MoP raid sets are divided by color due to different raid difficulty modes.

For first raid in MoP, you would defeat Old Gods servants in Heart of Fear and Terrace of Endless Spring to obtain Tier 14 Sets. If you want to obtain Tier 15 Sets you should go through Throne of Thunder and defeat the ancient slave masters of Pandaria who oppressed other races, the remnants of the Mogu Empire. For Tier 16 Sets you will need to face Garrosh Hellscream and defeat him in Siege of Orgrimmar raid.

After you have collected any full MoP raid set for any class, you would get a relevant achievement, such as Sha of Fabulous, Thunderwear and Yaass'shaarj.

Warlords of Draenor Raid Sets

There are only two Raid Tier Sets in WoD, but they are cool nonetheless and could be a worthy addition to your collection. As before, these sets come in different colors due to different raid difficulty modes. As for vibe and aesthetic, WoD sets have combined themes of Draenei and Orcs of the alternative Draenor. You should check it and we sure you would want to collect them all!

To obtain Tier 17 Sets you need to kill bosses of Blackrock Foundry raid and show Blackhand who is the boss of the foundry! For Tier 18 Set you would need to go through not that easy raid of Hellfire Citadel.

Just like with any other WoW expansion, after you have collected any full Warlords of Draenor raid set for any class, you would get Make it W-orc W-orc and Extreme Makeover: Fel Edition achievements.

Legion Raid Sets

The Burning Legion has invaded Azeroth once again and its demons are waiting for you to defeat them and get a cool drop as reward. You could defeat them in four different difficulties to get Legion Raid Sets in all obtainable colors. Most of these raids are even harder to complete due to difficult Legion raids mechanics, so you need to spend even more time to defeat most of the raid bosses. To do so, you need to gather a skilled team of other players or you just could buy our Legion Raid Transmog Sets Boost and our PRO players will gladly help you to get any Legion Raid Set in any or all colors you want!

Tier 19 Sets are obtained from Valarjar Soul Fragment to complete Trial of Valor: The Lost Army quest and get a special reward such as Ensemble: Vestment of the Chosen Dead for cloth type armor, Ensemble: Garb of the Chosen Dead for leather type armor, Ensemble: Chains of the Chosen Dead for mail type armor and Ensemble: Funerary Plate of the Chosen Dead for plate type armor. To obtain Tier 20 Raid Sets you need to complete Tomb of Sargeras raid, that also has 4 different difficulties. Just like previous tier, to obtain Tier 21 Sets you need to defeat all bosses of Antorus, the Burning Throne raid in any or all difficulties and defeat Sargeras himself.

Just like in other expansions, after you have collected any full Legion raids set for any class, you would get That's So Last Millennium, Can I Get A Helya, Retro Trend and Argussy Up achievements.

Battle for Azeroth Raid Sets

With BfA expansion there are no more Class Tier Sets, but now armor sets from raids are divided by armor type. So, for example, Mages, Warlocks and Priests get the same loot because of their cloth armor type. Main difference of these armor sets is in their color, with color scheme depending on the raid difficulty. But these raid sets are as cool as all other WoW PvE transmog sets and you should consider collecting them to make your collection full with some unique and beautiful transmog models of BfA raids!

To get Uldir Armor Sets you need to go through hard and long Uldir raid. You will need a high-skilled party of players to do so, or you just can or you can rely on our PRO players to help you with it. As for BfA Armor Sets from Battle of Dazar'alor, you need to know that it's even more difficult to complete by yourself, and at higher difficulties is nearly impossible to do so with random players in group. If you want to obtain The Eternal Palace Armor Set you should pay a visit to Queen Azshara in Nazjatar. Last and most difficult raid of BfA, Ny'alotha, the Waking City could provide you with Ny'Alotha Armor Sets as well as eternal glory of Old God N'Zoth defeater!

Despite the absence of the usual Class Tier Sets, you could collect Armor Sets from BfA raids and get cool achievements for it, such as New Mog, G'huun This?, Daz'aling Attire, Under the Seams and All Eyes On Me.