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WoW Legion Artifact Appearances Boost

Rated Excellent 5 stars on Trustpilot based on 3,526 reviews on
Rated Excellent 5 stars on Trustpilot
based on 3,526 reviews on

Buy artifact appearance boost service and save time while expanding your WoW collection. Our professional players are here to assist you in obtaining any artifact for any class and specialization you desire. With our help, effortlessly collect the specific artifact appearances you want.

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We offer some of the best prices on the market and are open to negotiation
Customer Support is available 24/7 with average reply time under 2 minutes
Since 2015, we provide honest and safe boosting services without use of hacking, exploiting, or botting
We use leading payment solutions such as Stripe and PayPal and do not store your payment data
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Real Customer Reviews

1 day ago
war wie immer alles ok und besonderen…
war wie immer alles ok und besonderen Dank an die wunderbaren Heiler
1 day ago
Excellent service
Excellent service, fast, efficient and very friendly. I have used their services twice and each time they have been great. I recommend them.
Cedric free
1 day ago
I don't what those guys doing but god damn they know well what they are doing. Best customer servicer In this week alone I boost 4 characters they FAST ASF.
1 day ago
HC raid
It was fast and smooth HC raid
1 day ago
Sehr schnelle Über-Endbuild Bearbeitung…
Sehr schnelle Über-Endbuild Bearbeitung bin sehr zufrieden Wrath
Peter Linder
1 day ago
Sehr gutes Über-Endgamebuild für Mönch…
Sehr gutes Über-Endgamebuild für Mönch bin sehr zufrieden sehr gut gemacht Wrath
Peter Linder
1 day ago
Quick and reliable service
2 days ago
Très bonne expérience avec des gens…
Très bonne expérience avec des gens performants et professionnels
2 days ago
Very kind and helpful customer service…
Very kind and helpful customer service as a first time user!! They were very patient with me and helped me out throughout the whole procedure!
2 days ago
Es wurde schnell abgearbeitet
Es wurde schnell abgearbeitet
2 days ago
Everytime its works perfect
Andi Cohrs
2 days ago
Very good!
Very fast response, and very smooth service, the rep was very kind and communicative throughout the whole process. Very recommended!
2 days ago
Safe and Legit
It was my first time using this service and it was done very easily and safe. I watched as the pro completed the Mage Tower Challenge and it was incredible! I kept wiping when I tried it, but hey that's why they're the pros!
2 days ago
Good communication
Good communication, fast service
Gunnar Wigelund
2 days ago
Excellent service every time!
Cheater McCheaterson

WoW Legion Artifact Boosting

Only Azeroth's most powerful and epic heroes possess the fortitude to wield artifacts of legend against the Burning Legion and other enemies of Azeroth from beyond! You can choose how your unique weapon looks, sounds, and feels in combat. Fashion your artifact into the perfect instrument of battle, and guide your faction in its most desperate hour like a real hero should do.

Artifacts are spec-specific weapons introduced in the Legion expansion of World of Warcraft. Originally, they grew in power as you progressed through the questline, but after Legion ended, they lost their power, yet remained an awesome addition to your transmog collection. You can customize their appearance and unlock more cool styles and tints.

There is an artifact for each class specialization, 36 artifact types in total. Obtaining each artifact involves long quest chains, PvE and PvP activities, solving puzzles, and some truly unique challenges that aren't easy! You could spend a lot of your time doing boring and grindy activities before you open your first cool artifact appearance, and it's only the beginning of your long journey. So, why bother when you could buy our Legion Artifact Appearances boost and our PRO players will gladly assist you in obtaining any artifact for any class and spec you want!

Why you should buy Legion Artifact Appearances Boost

Following the Broken Shore experience, the introductory quest chain in Legion expansion, you would obtain the artifact for your class current specialization. The artifacts represented a greater power than the heroes of Azeroth had ever wielded before, a power which was needed to defeat the Burning Legion. Originally, you could grow in power through questing and participating in different Legion expansion activities. With the BfA patch 8.0.1 release, the artifact weapons can continue to be used as normal weapons, but all their special powers and abilities are no longer working. After Shadowlands patch 9.0.1, the ability to transmog any artifact appearance for any specialization was made available, previously players were only able to transmog artifact weapons of their current specialization.

6 different looks are available for each artifact. These can be unlocked through various activities. You also could unlock three additional colors of each look. In case of Feral and Guardian druids, changing the look of the weapon also changes the look of their Cat of Bear form. Some of them are relatively easy to unlock, like Classic Legion Weapon Artifact default skin you just need to talk to Chromie and start questing in Legion expansion timeline. After some hours of questing you will obtain your first artifact weapon. That being said, you should know that it is hard to obtain most Artifact skins and tints for every class and every specialization, not to mention that some Artifact Weapon types are even harder to get than others. For example, quest chain for some Hidden Artifact Weapon Skins is so difficult and frustrating that not every player even knows where it starts.

As you can see, Legion Artifact Weapons are worth unlocking them all, for every class and every specialization, but it could take a lot of your time, from weeks to even months! So, why would you suffer so much, when you could just buy our Legion Artifact Appearances boost and we will gladly help you to get any Legion Artifact Appearance you want!

What Artifact Appearances you could get?

So what cool artifact appearances could you obtain with our boost? Answer is simple: you could get them all! But let us be more specific. First of all, you need to know that there are 6 different looks available for each artifact weapon. Classic, Upgraded, Valorous (also known as Balance of Power appearance), War-Torn (PvP Artifact appearance), Mage Tower and Hidden (or Secret) appearance. Each of these looks has 3 additional color tints that need to be unlocked too.

Secondly, there is a cool and legendary Artifact weapon for each specialization. For example, Retribution Paladin could obtain the legendary sword Ashbringer. Every Shaman could only dream about Doomhammer but now it can be yours and its look can be used for transmogrification. Warlocks should know that they could obtain Scepter of Sargeras itself in all its glorious power and unique look. If you are a Shadow Priest and now and if you're not afraid of Old Gods’ whispers, that you should add Xal'atath, Blade of the Black Empire to your collection. Feral/Guardian druids will have not only unique Artifact Weapons like Fangs of Ashamane and Claws of Ursoc but also unique skin for their Cat/Bear form. There are many more cool and unique Legion Artifact Weapons that you could obtain with our Legion Artifact Appearances boost.

Classic Artifact Weapon Skin

Classic Artifact appearance is unlocked by completing the introductory Legion quest chain. It is the first artifact weapon that you could get diving into the Legion expansion storyline. Unlocking the default Classic Legion Artifact Weapon skin for one class and spec is easy, but you would spend a lot of your time unlocking additional tints for each of them.

  • To unlock the first tint of Classic Legion Artifact Weapon skin you will need to recover one Pillar of Creation by completing a quest chain in one of the Legion quest zones.
  • Unlocking the second tint of Classic Legion Artifact Weapon will require you to complete Light's Charge long quest chain.
  • To unlock Classic Legion Artifact Weapon third tint you will need to complete your class Class Hall Campaign which requires a lot of questing.
  • After you have unlocked all tints of Classic Artifact skin you will earn achievement Fighting with Style: Classic.

Upgraded Artifact Weapon Skin

Want to unlock the Upgraded Artifact appearance? This skin is unlocked by completing the Class Hall campaign and engaging in Archaeology activities. The Upgraded Artifact is awarded just after you have finished with the main Class Hall storyline and earned the Forged for Battle achievement. Once completed, your journey to collect all additional tints begins!

  • Originally, unlocking every artifact trait of your spec’s ability tree was required to unlock the first tint of the Upgraded Legion Artifact Weapon skin. However, since the Legion Artifacts were disabled after the BFA expansion release, this tint is now automatically awarded for completing the Class Hall campaign of your class.
  • To unlock the second tint of the Upgraded Legion Artifact Weapon skin, you will need to earn the Part of History achievement.
  • Unlocking the third tint of the Upgraded Legion Artifact Weapon skin requires earning the This Side Up Archaeology achievement, which takes a minimum of 16 weeks to complete.
  • Once you have unlocked all tints of the Upgraded Artifact skin, you will earn the Fighting with Style: Upgraded achievement.

Balance of Power Artifact Weapon Skin

Valorous Artifact appearance, better known as Balance of Power skin, is related to various Legion PvE activities. To unlock the basic Valorous appearance you will need to complete long and grindy quest chain Balance of Power and earn the Improving on History achievement which takes several weeks of doing Legion raids. It's hard enough, but after that you will need to complete some other activities tightly related to Legion PvE content to open remaining color tints. All this could take a lot of your time before you even open basic Balance of Power Legion Artifact Weapon skin.

  • Unlocking the first tint of Valorous Legion Artifact Weapon skin requires you to earn the Unleashed Monstrosities achievement.
  • The second tint of Balance of Power Legion Artifact Weapon skin is awarded for completing the Keystone Master which requires to complete a Mythic+15 dungeon in time.
  • The third tint of Balance of Power Legion Artifact Weapon skin can be unlocked by earning the Glory of the Legion Hero achievement which requires to complete all achievements in Legion dungeons.
  • After you have unlocked all tints of Valorous Artifact skin you will earn achievement Fighting with Style: Valorous.

War-Torn Artifact Weapon Skin

This Legion Artifact Weapon skin is awarded for upgrading your Honor Level (you will get basic War-Torn skin at Honor Level 10), so it is tightly related to any kind of PvP activities. If you are not interested in PvP, it could be really difficult for you to obtain this artifact skin as well as additional tints. So, if you have problems with Honor Level farming you should consider buying our Honor Level boost to reach the desired level without any hassle.

  • First tint of War-Torn Artifact Weapon skin requires to reach Honor Level 30.
  • Unlocking second tint of War-Torn Artifact Weapon skin will require you to earn Honor Level 50.
  • The fourth and final tint of PvP Artifact Weapon skin is awarded for reaching Honor Level 80.
  • After you have unlocked all tints of War-Torn Artifact skin you will earn achievement Fighting with Style: War-torn.

Hidden Legion Artifact Weapon Skin

These skins are one of interesting and unique ones, but even harder to get than others. Each Hidden Artifact appearance has its own unique conditions for obtaining: from difficult and long quest chains to unmarked world exploration and other not so thrilling activities. Special for you, we have made detailed guides for obtaining every Secret Artifact Weapon appearance, which you can find on their dedicated pages on our site.

  • The first tint of Hidden Legion Artifact Weapon skin is awarded for completing 30 Legion dungeons. It's easy enough to do on Normal difficulty, but it's a time-consuming business.
  • Unlocking the second tint of Secret Legion Artifact Weapon skin requires you to complete 200 Legion World Quests. This is not just time-consuming, it is a black hole of time-consuming activities in the game.
  • Unlocking the third tint of Hidden Legion Artifact Weapon skin requires killing 1000 enemy players in any type of PvP activities. It could be pretty difficult if PvP is not your cup of tea.
  • After you have unlocked all tints of Hidden Artifact skin you will earn achievement Fighting with Style: Hidden.

Mage Tower Artifact Weapon Skin

Mage Tower Artifact appearance, also known as the Challenging skin, used to be awarded for completing the original Mage Tower challenge of the Legion expansion. Unfortunately it's no longer available in game :(

It is important to know: the basic Mage Tower skin from the original Mage Tower challenge in Legion is no longer obtainable since the release of Battle for Azeroth expansion. However, we are happy to help you get all the additional Challenging Artifact Weapon skin tints if you have the basic artifact weapon appearance. To unlock these tints, you will need to participate in different themed activities, such as PvE, PvP and others. It surely could take a lot of your free time.

  • To unlock the first tint of Mage Tower Legion Artifact Weapon skin you will need to defeat Kil'jaeden in Tomb of Sargeras on Heroic difficulty.
  • Unlocking the second tint of Challenging Legion Artifact Weapon skin will require you to join or create an RBG group and win 10 times.
  • The third tint of Mage Tower Legion Artifact Weapon Skin will require you to complete 10 different dungeons of the Legion expansion.
  • After you have unlocked all tints of Mage Tower Artifact skin you will earn achievement Fighting with Style: Challenging.

Unlike other classes, for completing the re-worked Mage Tower Challenge, Guardian Druid gets not only a transmog set, but also a unique Fel Werebear Form closely resembling the original Mage Tower bear form! You definitely should check our Guardian Druid Mage Tower Challenge Boost service if you want to add this unique look to your collection. If you interested just in transmog sets for Druid or any other class, you should check our Mage Tower Challenge Boost service!