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Mythic+ DPS Tier List in The War Within (Patch 11.1 / Season 2)

Updated 09 Mar 2025 | Author: Poizy | ~13 min

Are you ready to dominate the Mythic+ Dungeons in the new Season 2 of the War Within? Want to know which specs will reign supreme so you can utilize them and unleash your full potential to climb to the top of Mythic+? We've got you covered!

In this article, we'll reveal the list of DPS specializations that currently stand out and talk about those that sadly fall short — and break down exactly why they perform the way they do.

  • This Tier List was last updated: 09.03.2025

Mythic+ Tier List: What Each Rank Means

Before diving into the tier lists themselves, let's first make clear what all these A, B and Cs actually represent:

  • S tier: These are the specs that are expected to dominate the metagame, with groups widely favoring these specs over all the others.
  • A tier: These specs offer strong damage profiles for Mythic+ while also providing a good balance of utility and survivability. A-Tier specs are likely to be popular as second and third DPS choices throughout the season.
  • B tier: B tier specs perform well but have some noticeable downsides in terms of damage, survivability, or utility. While they can be solid, they are very unlikely to play a significant role in top-tier compositions for higher keys.
  • C tier: C tier dwellers would be rare choices for most dungeon compositions. While they still can perform great in the right hands most people straight up ignore and don't invite them into groups.

Please keep in mind that for the vast majority of cases, you should choose to bring the better player and not the better specialization because in the average and above-average level of play personal skill makes way more difference than even the strongest of specs can!

Melee DPS Tier List in TWW Season 2

Mythic+ Tier List TWW Season 2

S tier

  • There are currently no S-tier melee specs in Season 2. Which is sad, but let's see what happens with further tuning from Blizzard.

A tier

  • Feral Druid is heading into Season 2 with quite a few adjustments. It’s keeping its signature burst-heavy playstyle, but the downtime between bursts will feel even weaker. Sadly, energy starvation is still an issue, meaning you’ll often find yourself just waiting for resources instead of staying fully engaged in your rotation. On the bright side, its utility remains strong thanks to Mark of the Wild, one of the best party buffs out there. All in all, Feral Druid is shaping up to be one of the top melee picks for Season 2.
  • Frost Death Knight remains a solid option. Despite getting some durability nerfs in Season 1, it’s still one of the tankiest DPS specs around—a big advantage in tougher content. Its signature burst damage shines in both AoE and single-target fights, and it continues to excel at priority-target damage. All things considered, it’s a great choice for anyone wanting a reliable melee spec this season!
  • Unholy Death Knight is heading into Season 2 in great shape, keeping its powerful AoE burst while improving its sustained damage outside of major cooldowns. Much like its counterpart, it remains impressively durable in all types of content. However, its single-target performance holds it back, and priority-target damage isn’t exactly its strong suit either.
  • Assasination Rogue hasn’t seen any major changes. Its rotation and talents are pretty much the same, keeping things familiar for returning players. The real highlight remains its AoE potential in Mythic+, especially since it excels at priority-target damage while dishing out AoE. However, single-target remains its biggest weakness, and some tuning may be needed to keep up. While still a strong melee choice, it likely won’t dominate as much as it did last season.
  • Retribution Paladin is sticking to its strengths in Season 2, keeping its powerful AoE burst and valuable group-wide utility — making it a solid choice for any DPS player. While its overall performance is well above average, it struggles to keep up in priority target damage and raw output, preventing it from competing at the highest levels. Thanks to short cooldowns and an explosive playstyle, it’s likely to be one of the best specs for low-level keys. On top of that, it boasts strong defensive tools and remains one of the more "beginner-friendly" specs in the current meta.
  • Havoc Demon Hunter was shaping up to be a powerhouse in the upcoming Mythic+ season, thanks to several buffs that boosted its sustained damage — an area where it previously struggled. Its single-target and priority-target output saw massive improvements, making it much stronger than last season. However, last minute nerfs just days before the season launch have taken a toll, knocking it down a few spots in the rankings.
  • Windwalker Monk just got some solid buffs aimed at boosting AoE damage, including the removal of Mark of the Crane and a stronger Spinning Crane Kick, along with some extra buffs to Mastery. There are also some interesting new talents, like Slicing Winds, which not only adds decent damage but also improves mobility. That said, one big drawback remains — the target cap, which can be a limitation in large AoE situations. Still, their single-target damage is among the best, and they shine in small-group AoE fights. As for utility, nothing major has changed, but it’s still a valuable asset for any team.
  • Enhancement Shaman was arguably the highest DPS spec in the game, boasting incredible sustained damage, short cooldowns, and insane funnel potential—there was almost nothing to criticize. However, after four back-to-back nerfs, its dominance has faded. While still performing above average, it no longer holds the overwhelming power it had in Season 1.

B tier

  • Survival Hunter has seen quite a few adjustments heading into Season 2 of Mythic+, though its core rotation remains largely the same. Thanks to relatively short cooldowns and a reworked 4-piece bonus, its sustained damage has improved, making it more consistent overall. The downside? Its overall damage output is just "mid" which keeps it from standing out. If further tuning happens, its rankings might shift, but for now, it sits in a pretty average spot.
  • Subletly Rogue used to stand out in the Mythic+ meta, thanks to its top-tier burst damage, making it highly competitive at all key levels. Its biggest strength lies in delivering strong AoE while maintaining excellent priority-target damage, a rare combination that gives it a serious edge. Sadly though, their Single Target has been stedily nerfed and it heavily weakens their spot in the meta.
  • Arms Warrior took a hit with recent nerfs, affecting both its single-target and AoE damage. However, when it comes to execution-phase burst, it’s still one of the strongest specs in the game. Utility remains mostly unchanged, but some quality-of-life tweaks in the general tree have made the spec a bit more durable. While the nerfs sting, these adjustments help balance things out slightly.

C tier

  • Fury Warrior is sticking to its burst-heavy playstyle with only minor tweaks to its rotation. However, recent nerfs have knocked it down a tier, making it less competitive. A major drawback is its strict 5-target AoE cap, limiting its effectiveness in large pulls compared to other DPS specs.
  • Outlaw Rogue hasn’t seen any big changes, but its tier set is a huge win. The spec continues to deliver solid, consistent damage, though it’s still target-capped, which limits its AoE potential. Single-target and priority-target damage remain average, and the lack of strong burst can be a drawback, especially in lower keys where quick kills matter.

Range DPS Tier List in TWW Season 2

Mythic+ Tier List TWW Season 2

S tier

  • Fire Mage is heading into Season 2 as one of the top DPS choices for Mythic+. Its new tier set is exceptionally well-designed, providing a huge power spike by significantly increasing Combustion uptime. Both its single-target and AoE damage are outstanding, making it one of the strongest specs overall. And, as with all Mage specs, it brings some of the best group-wide utility in Mythic+, further cementing its place at the top.
  • Balance Druid is shaping up to be one of the top-performing specs in Mythic+. While recent buffs have improved its single target damage, its real strength lies in its AoE output, which ranks among the best in the game. Druids also bring some of the most sought-after utility in a 5-man group, offering both offensive and defensive support. The one notable downside is its survivability — with only a single major defensive cooldown, it can feel a bit squishy in high-pressure situations.
  • Elemental Shaman remains a fantastic ranged pick heading into Season 2 of TWW. It delivers explosive burst damage, excels at priority-target fights, and maintains strong output even outside major cooldowns. On top of that, it boasts some of the best party-wide utility, making it a valuable addition to any group. Overall, the spec is in a great place, and if nothing changes before the season launch, it should continue to perform at a high level.
    • A tier

      • Shadow Priest thrives in longer fights thanks to its ramp-up playstyle, which benefits from Voidform’s extended duration. In higher-level keys, both AoE and priority-target damage shine, but in shorter fights, it struggles — especially when engaging a pack without Shadow Crash, making the experience frustrating. On the plus side, utility and defensiveness remain strong, keeping it valuable in group play. If the meta leans toward magic-heavy encounters, it could be a top contender for high keys.
      • Destruction Warlock is kicking off Season 2 in a strong spot, positioning itself as one of the better ranged DPS options. Its mass AoE damage is exceptional, single-target remains solid, and sustained damage is a major highlight — all key reasons why the spec is performing well. Some much-needed playstyle tweaks have also adjusted the rotation, especially for those running Mayhem or Demonfire Infusion builds. And of course, like every Warlock spec, it benefits from high durability and strong party-wide utility, making it a great fit for Mythic+.
      • Demonology Warlock is entering the new season with one of the strongest tier sets among all DPS specs, further amplifying its already impressive damage output. Sustained damage outside of cooldowns has improved, and its burst potential is even stronger than it was in Season 1.
      • Affliction Warlock's core gameplay remains familiar, with a slight rotation adjustment thanks to the new tier set. Unfortunately, its Season 1 struggles are still present — Vile Taint does most of the heavy lifting in AoE, which becomes frustrating when it’s on cooldown and a new pack needs to be engaged. Manually reapplying Agony is another pain point. That said, when pulls are properly managed, Affliction’s performance is excellent, delivering strong single-target and AoE output, with great on-demand burst and priority-target damage.
      • Frost Mage has received some big changes, the most notable being a shift away from Ice Lance spam and a much stronger Blizzard — now hitting harder, covering a larger area, and lasting longer. These adjustments have pushed Frost Mage to the top tier of ranged DPS, offering great burst, strong sustained damage (especially in single-target), and solid priority-target cleave. On top of that, Mages remain one of the most durable DPS specs while also bringing top-tier Mythic+ utility, making them a fantastic pick for any group.
      • Beast Mastery Hunter is keeping a familiar playstyle, which may be a relief for some but a letdown for others. However, after recent tuning, it’s no longer at the top — both single-target and AoE damage (sustained and burst) have taken a significant hit. On the upside, Bestial Wrath now has better uptime thanks to the tier set, allowing for more frequent minor cooldowns. Despite the nerfs, it’s actually a much stronger version than it was in Season 1, and as a result, it’s climbing back up the rankings!
        • B tier

          • Augmentation Evoker has been under the spotlight heading into Season 2, but unfortunately, most of the attention hasn’t been good. Major nerfs to Shifting Sands and Close as Clutchmates have significantly weakened the spec, and the rework of Ebon Might, which no longer buffs tanks and healers, is another huge hit. Despite these setbacks, Aug Evoker still brings strong utility, solid mob control, and valuable team-wide buffs — both defensively and offensively. However, the impact of these buffs has been greatly reduced. While it’s still a worthwhile pick for group play, its dominance has finally slipped, and for the first time in two years, it’s dropping out of the S-tier.
          • Marksmanship Hunter has undergone a full rework and is in a much better spot than before. With flexible talent builds, you can tailor your damage focus—whether it's AoE, single-target, or cleave — giving the spec more adaptability than ever. Fortunately, it still holds onto its signature burst-heavy playstyle, making it effective across all key levels. Single-target damage has also improved with Mythic+ builds, which is a welcome change from Season 1. However, its sustained damage outside of cooldowns remains mediocre, and being one of the few ranged specs with a target cap limits its AoE potential. If more tuning comes, it could move up in the rankings.
          • Arcane Mage has seen quite a few changes heading into Season 2 of TWW, with adjustments to spell priorities based on talent choices and a stronger Touch of the Magi, which helps improve its sustained damage — one of its biggest past weaknesses. On top of that, it has one of the strongest tier sets this season, bringing a massive power spike. The spec retains its burst-heavy playstyle while also delivering solid priority-target damage during those bursts. However, its performance varies with key level — higher keys favor Arcane more since longer fights allow it to fully unleash its burst potential. The biggest downside remains its complexity, with hybrid builds and a steep learning curve making it one of the tougher specs to master.
          • Devastation Evoker has seen several adjustments, allowing both Flameshaper and Scalecommander builds to be viable, giving players more flexibility in how they approach their gameplay. The new tier set is also a big win, providing a significant power boost and making it one of the stronger ones this season. The spec keeps its signature Evoker utility and burst-heavy damage profile, which helps it perform well across different key levels. Sustained damage has also improved, making it more consistent overall. That said, while these changes are positive, the raw damage output still isn’t enough to compete with the top-tier specs.
            • C tier

              • There are currently no C-tier range specs in Season 2. Which is great for those who enjoy combat from the distance.

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