Leveling used to be a slow grind back in Vanilla WoW, but those days are finally gone away. Now, you can really speed up your journey to max level — and we’re about to show you exactly how to do it!
In this guide you will discover the fastest ways to level your Paladin. But if you're in a hurry and want to get through leveling in just a couple of hours, go check out our Powerleveling Boosting Service!
When leveling a Pally most people go with Retribution. Most people are wrong because Protection is just miles ahead of both other alternatives. Why? It’s very tanky, deals massive AoE damage, and most importantly lets you get almost instant dungeon queues! This is how your leveling talent tree should look like:
Just starting your character? Take the talents in any order as you level up. Already at 70? Feel free to use the build right away by clicking the copy button just below!
Once you hit level 71, you'll unlock Hero Talents for Paladin. We recommend you to go Templar as it just does way more damage.
In the modern World of Wacraft there are numerous ways of leveling up your fresh character. Some options are slower, while others provide you with a nice speed boost but require a group of friends.
The classic approach: follow the 10-70 questline, knock out side quests, and once you hit level 70, move on to The War Within. But here's the kicker: you'll need to finish the campaign to unlock Adventure Mode, so don't skip it on your first playthrough! After finishing the main story, you’ll need to mix in Delves, Dungeons, and side quests to hit level 80.
Overall leveling via quests is quite cosy and "athmospheric" but sadly also comparably slow. What’s definitely not slow is our Powerleveling Boosting Service, which can get your character from 1 to 80 in less than a day!
Want XP at a faster pace? Dungeons beat quests every time and you also get the best gear for you lvl! The downside? Queues can be long if you're DPS, and group dynamics can be unpredictable. But since you're playing Tank you have little to worry about!
Every three weeks, Timewalking Dungeons offer some of the quickest XP available. The runs are short, mechanics are simple, and if you queue as a tank or healer, you won’t waste time waiting for groups.
While Delves used to be the go-to for 70-80 leveling, their effectiveness has been nerfed. If you're aiming for speed, these are better left behind.
The right stats and consumables are key to leveling quickly. When choosing gear always prioritize getting higher item level first, then focus on obtaining these stats:
Having decent gear at max level is crucial — without it, you won't get invited to parties and raids. That's where we come in to help you reach a high ilvl fast and affordably.
And, of course, don’t forget about Flasks, Potions, and other consumables. These can provide a huge boost, especially when you're facing off against multiple mobs. Here’s what you will need in the War Within:
Note: You’ll need to be level 71 to use Flasks and Potions, while Food and Weapon Buffs are available from level 68.
These addons will make your leveling experience (and gameplay enjoyment) way better:
Leatrix Plus is a must-have addon for streamlining your gameplay. It automates tasks like skipping cinematics, looting, and selling junk to vendors, saving you valuable time. Download
Track buffs, debuffs, cooldowns, and more with custom alerts. Perfect for maximizing your damage and healing efficiency as you level up. Download
Get your own WoW GPS! Set waypoints, follow directions, and never waste time getting lost while questing or dungeon running. Download
Streamline your auction house experience. Easily post items, check prices, and manage your loot without the headache. Download
Mark all the key locations on your map like rare mobs and treasure chests. Never miss out on hidden loot ever again! Download
All your bags in one window! Quick item search, and manage your inventory with ease — perfect for managing all that loot. Download