Fury Warrior is the only specialization in the entire game that truly embodies the essence of the berserker from Diablo 2: a bloodthirsty warrior wielding two massive axes, who is tearing apart everything in his path.
If you're one of those people who enjoy finding the right moment and then just smashing all your burst buttons at once to down an enemy from 100 to 0 in mere seconds then there's no reason for you not to play Fury! Our guide will also help you get a solid grasp of both the basics and the lesser-known nuances of the specialization.
Fury Warriors remain true to their core fantasy in the new expansion: relentless berserkers who harness rage to overwhelm opponents. They deal steady damage through furious strikes and self-sustaining abilities, making them a formidable presence on the battlefield. With strong mobility and tools to stay in combat, Fury Warriors excel at pressuring enemy teams, forcing enemy healers to always work overtime.
At the same time, The War Within’s evolving talent landscape gives Fury Warriors flexible builds to tackle various team compositions. By stacking powerful healing reductions and rotating crowd-control breaks, they maintain the kind of nonstop aggression that often decides a match’s outcome. This makes Fury one of the go-to specs for players who enjoy a no-holds-barred, all-in style of play.
Strengths | Weaknesses |
Absolutely bonkers burst damage. | Struggles against consistent ranged slows. |
Great Mobility and Gap Closers. | Not a lot of Utility available. |
Incredible healing output. | Can be easily bursted down in a Crowd Control window. |
The War Within introduced Hero Talents to the game, giving players a choice between 2 separate paths that not only add cool visuals to your spec but also impact the way you play it!
Fury gets to choose between Slayer and Mountain Thane:
Fury is currently very unique as it has 2 hero talents choices that are very close to each other in performance, so you can always choose the one that fits your playstyle more!
In the current meta, the strongest Fury PvP talent setup typically features Slaughterhouse, Battlefield Commander and Enduring Rage.
Depending on the matchups, you can also replace Battlefield Commander and Enduring Rage for the following talents:
There are numerous Fury Warrior builds that are being shared on the internet, with most of them being either outdated or outright bad currently in 11.0.7. Here we gathered for you 3 builds from the best players of the spec: 1 that is generally awesome for Battlegrounds Blitz and 2 others that are often better in Arenas. You can always try all of them and see what sticks with you!
Before diving into your rotation, it is important to understand how to optimize the damage output of a Fury Warrior. The bulk of Fury Warrior's damage comes from Enrage. To maximize your effectiveness, ensure this buff remains active as much as possible. In addition to maintaining Enrage, your most powerful damaging ability is Rampage, which requires building up a large amount of Rage through other abilities. Using Rampage will also apply Slaughterhouse, a critical debuff that reduces enemy healing. Thus, spending Rage wisely is not a concern, as Rampage is your sole Rage-consuming ability.
Recklessness serves as your primary offensive cooldown, granting 20% increased critical strike chance on your abilities while also doubling Rage generation. While it does not alter your rotation, it enables more frequent use of Rampage, amplifying your overall damage output significantly.
For cleaving, this is done passively after using Whirlwind. If you have Improved Whirlwind talented, this ability enhances your cleave damage. To prepare for cleaving, ensure you use Whirlwind immediately before unleashing Rampage to maximize efficiency.
In PvP every specialization has an endless depth of knowledge. Let our PROs show you how to master Fury and go to the next level!
The opener is critical for establishing your team's CC chain and dealing early damage right as the match begins. The primary goal is to force the enemy team to burn their defensive cooldowns. If the enemy healer or kill target is forced to use their trinket during this phase, they will be in trouble later on. Use your team’s CC chain and burst abilities to build momentum—holding cooldowns at the start is usually not advised.
This is your usual starting rotation:
When the enemy healer is crowd-controlled and you are focusing on eliminating an enemy, use the following burst rotation:
Coordinate with your team to identify the primary kill target and discuss potential target swaps. As a Fury Warrior, you often dictate the focus of your team's offensive efforts. Plan the use of your crowd control abilities, such as Intimidating Shout and Storm Bolt, to maximize offensive pressure. Utilizing these abilities effectively can create kill opportunities and disrupt enemy strategies.
Enraged Regeneration is your core defensive cooldown, providing a significant 30% damage reduction and empowering Bloodthirst to heal you for 23% of your health per use. However, be cautious of enemies using Disarm, as it will completely negate the healing from this ability. If you anticipate a large amount of incoming damage, do not hesitate to use this cooldown early to mitigate damage rather than attempting to recover from it later.
Rallying Cry is a valuable defensive ability for both you and your team, especially when paired with Master and Commander. Be mindful, however, that the health granted by this ability will disappear at the end of its duration, which could lead to sudden deaths for you or your teammates.
Heroic Leap is primarily used to chase down fleeing enemies. However, it can also be a lifesaver in situations where survival is a higher priority than applying pressure. Use it to reposition or escape incoming damage when you are under heavy focus.
Intervene can be a game-changing ability, allowing you to intercept all melee and ranged attacks aimed at a chosen teammate. It is best utilized when one of your allies is being focused. Just be cautious, as redirecting damage to yourself can be risky. Pairing it with Enraged Regeneration can mitigate the redirected damage effectively.
Bladestorm and Avatar are not only exceptional burst cooldowns but also invaluable for their anti-crowd control (CC) capabilities. Against classes like Mages, Druids or Shamans, it might be more effective to use these cooldowns to break out of roots rather than for burst damage. Familiarizing yourself with enemy root cooldowns will help you decide whether to use these abilities offensively or to cleanse yourself.
Bladestorm also makes you immune to all CC effects and can be highly effective at disrupting enemy attempts to kill you with abilities like Kidney Shot. Correct timing is critical, as you have a brief 0.25-second grace window to use Bladestorm after being hit by CC to break out of it.
Intervene is one of the most valuable tools in a Fury Warrior's arsenal for team utility. It allows you to reposition to a chosen teammate and redirect all melee and ranged attacks to yourself. Keep in mind that Intervene does not work against spells, so use it primarily to counter physical damage. Use this ability frequently to protect teammates under heavy focus, but be mindful of your own squishiness. When you anticipate significant redirected damage, combine Intervene with Enraged Regeneration for added survivability.
Get to know even more lesser known Fury Warrior tricks in PvP by clicking on this link.
You can skip this section entirely if you're not aiming for the highest results in rated PvP and instead pick the race that you just vibe with.
But if you are eager to conquer the Arena or Battlegrounds ratings you should first consider picking Gnome as it gives you Escape Artist that lets you remove mobility restrictions, one of the biggest obstacles that Fury faces.
The second close choice is Dark Iron Dwarf with it's Fireblood racial that removes all Poison, Disease, Curse, Magic, and Bleed simultaneously every 2 minutes, on top of providing you a main stat buff.
If you're eager to play competitively as Horde, then consider going Orc with his Blood Fury DPS buff every 2 minutes and a nice Hardiness passive that decreases the stun durations on your character (remember, we are extremely vulnerable during stuns!)
Properly equipping your character can massively boost your success in all PvP content, so we've gathered all the info you need about Fury Warrior's best stats to help you pump out the highest numbers possible.
Versatility is the most crucial stat for Fury Warriors, and you should aim to stack as much as possible, ideally reaching at least 25%. This is naturally achieved through PvP gear, as most pieces will already include Versatility.
After Versatility, prioritize investing your secondary stats into Mastery. Mastery amplifies the damage of all your abilities while Enrage is active, synergizing well with abilities like Bloodthirst, Rampage, and Onslaught to maximize your burst damage potential.
Beyond Versatility and Mastery, aim for approximately 10% Haste to smooth out your rotation. Haste reduces your global cooldown and boosts Rage generation through auto-attacks, allowing you to optimize Rampage uptime. Don’t hesitate to trade a bit of Mastery for Haste if necessary to achieve this balance.
Finally, Critical Strike is the lowest priority, as it has minimal synergy with Fury Warrior’s toolkit. This stat should generally be avoided whenever possible.
Here's the best PvP Gear that you should be aiming for, although at the start of your journey as a Fury Warrior you won't have many Conquest points so you will need to settle for a Honor gear alternatives with the same stats as pieces listed below. You can buy both Conquest and Honor gear at [56.6, 75.1] in Dorgonal.
Skip the tedious process of PvP gearing. Achieve maximum power now and go conquer ratings with our gearing help.
When it comes to trinkets, we first want to equip Forged Gladiator's Insignia of Alacrity. It provides us with very much needed Haste, assisting with reaching our Haste breakpoint in stat priority, whilst also having an extremely high proc chance, passively increasing our overall damage.
You will then need a Forged Gladiator's Medallion to break out of CC every 2 minutes.
A decent alternative trinket to Forged Gladiator's Insignia of Alacrity is Forged Gladiator's Emblem, as it helps you survive enemy's massive burst windows on top of scaling nicely with Rallying Cry, slightly increasing its value.
Despite not being able to use consumables in rated PvP, you still can make your character noticeably stronger by using proper enchants and gems.
Core Gems: Enduring Bloodstone + Masterful Sapphire or Versatile Onyx
With Versatility and Mastery being your best secondary stats, you will want to have them on both gems and enchants. Enduring Bloodstone is the newly introduced unique-equipped PvP gem that can only be attributed once onto your character’s gem slots. This provides extra damage reduction when affected by Crowd Control.
For all gem slots, you will use either Masterful Sapphire or Versatile Onyx depending on what you currently need the most: Mastery or Versatility.
Macros are crucial in PvP scenarios as they allow you to press your buttons in the shortest time possible and without changing targets all the time.
With this you can swap stances while using only 1 keybind.
/cast [stance:2] Defensive Stance; stance:[3] Berserker Stance
Leap on your cursor without the extra mouse click.
/cast [@cursor] Heroic Leap
Crucial for kicking healers and casters nearby without changing targets.
#showtooltip /cast [@focus] Pummel
Same usage as the macro above, but now for your range targeted stun!
#showtooltip /cast [@focus] Storm Bolt
Cancels your Bladestorm and fears the focus target.
#showtooltip /cancelaura Bladestorm /cast [@focus] Intimidating Shout
This combines 2 of your essential gap closers into 1 mouseover bind: when pressed over an enemy you'll use Charge, when used on a teammate you'll Intervene.
#showtooltip Charge /cancelaura Bladestorm /cast [@mouseover, exists, help, nodead] Intervene /cast [exists, nodead, harm] Charge /cast Hamstring
Presses all your burst abilities, trinkets and a racial to inflict an absolutely massive damage upon your foes.
#showtooltip Recklessness /cast Recklessness /cast Avatar /use Blood Fury /use Berserking /use Ancestral Call /use 13 /use 14
This guide provides all the core information you need to begin your journey as a Fury Warrior in PvP. However, some finer details and advanced techniques are beyond its scope. Our expert boosters, highly skilled in both Battlegrounds and Arenas, can help you master these nuances and unlock your full potential as a Fury Warrior!