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Cartels of Undermine Guide - How To Farm Renown in Patch 11.1

Updated 06 Mar 2025 | Author: Poizy | ~14 min

Making a grand debut in Patch 11.1: Undermine(d), the Cartels of Undermine join The War Within as one of its five key Renown factions.

In this guide, you’ll learn the best ways to earn Renown with the Cartels of Undermine, along with a thorough breakdown of every reward they provide: mounts, pets, toys, gear and much more!

Cartels of Undermine: The Essentials

The Cartels of Undermine form the fifth Renown faction you’ll encounter in The War Within. Although each goblin cartel usually pursues only it's own agenda, now they’ve joined forces to topple Gallywix’s tyrannical rule in Undermine.

Unlike other Renown factions in The War Within, the Cartels of Undermine offer a unique twist. Each week, you get to choose which Goblin Cartel to align with. As a result, you’ll earn reputation for both the overarching Cartels of Undermine and your chosen cartel at the same time — unlike the Severed Threads faction. This means you’ll likely hit max rank with the Cartels of Undermine well before reaching Exalted with all four individual cartels:

  • Blackwater Cartel: Though the Blackwater Pirates are a newer cartel, they’ve already made a name for themselves in the shipping and luxury travel sectors. They can deliver any cargo, anywhere, at any time — and it’s all (mostly) aboveboard now.
  • Venture Company: Some may object to the Venture Co.’s resource-gathering tactics, but no industry can function without materials. If you need something built, Venture Co. has you covered.
  • Bilgewater Cartel: Home to visionary inventors and explosive masterminds, Bilgewater boasts some of the brightest goblins around. They made waves by joining the Horde, but in Undermine, they’ll take all the friends they can get.
  • Steamwheedle Cartel: Steamwheedle is the oldest and largest cartel in Undermine, having a hand in nearly every industry across Azeroth and beyond. Under Noggenfogger’s leadership, it now focuses on premium alchemy products.

As already mentioned above you can only ally with one Cartel per week, and once chosen, the pact applies to your entire Warband — so no grinding separate Cartel Renowns on different alts. You can form an alliance with a Cartel by speaking to Kaydee Racketring at the Incontinental Hotel. At the weekly reset, you can switch to a different Cartel or stick with the same contract if they suit you.

When you ally with a Cartel in Undermine, new World Quests appear in the zone, granting reputation with your chosen faction. Objectives may vary slightly based on the week’s chosen Cartel. You’ll also receive a weekly quest that sends you on various tasks for that Cartel. Completing it rewards a chest containing upgrade stones and gold.

A Fifth Secret Cartel

Beyond the four principal Cartels of Undermine, there’s also a fifth: Darkfuse Solutions.

Darkfuse Solutions is Gallywix’s self-made Cartel, formed to "protect" Undermine’s people and assets. Though they serve as enemies during the main Undermine storyline, players can eventually ally with them. Speculation suggests that Darkfuse Solutions will become accessible as a post-Liberation of Undermine raid storyline faction, requiring players to farm and turn in a new currency called Market Research Market Research.

The list of currently known rewards that you can get from this 5th Cartel is the following: A long fuse (plus the title "Darkfuse Diplomat"), Atomic Regoblinator, Darkfuse Demolisher and Darkfuse Spy-Eye.

Stay tuned! As soon as we uncover more details about the Darkfuse, we’ll update this guide accordingly.

How To Farm Cartels Renown in 11.1

To earn Cartels of Undermine Renown, you’ll need to complete a variety of activities that award reputation in Undermine. Here are some ways to farm Renown efficiently:

🛡 World Quests: World Quests in Undermine appear only after you’ve chosen your weekly Cartel. Each World Quest yields 50 reputation with the Cartels of Undermine, while the special Undermine assignments reward a more substantial 200 reputation.

🛡 Weekly Quests: quests like Quest, Quest and Quest each give 1000 Undermine reputation.

🛡 Undermine Rares: Undermine Rares give you daily reputation - Normal Rares provide you with 20 reputation, Elite Rares give you 50 reputation and Cartel summoned ones give you 100 reputation.

🛡 Undermine Questlines: Each chapter of the main storyline grants a substantial 2,500 reputation with the Cartels of Undermine, making these quests a top priority for reputation gains. Side quests contribute an additional 100–200 reputation each, serving as a steady boost alongside the main narrative.

🛡 Side Gig Quests: Available at Slam Central Station, these Side Gig quests reward 50 Cartels of Undermine reputation each. While they may not offer as much reputation as story chapters, they’re quick to complete and can add up over time.

By mixing these various methods: completing World Quests, allying with Cartels weekly, tackling side quests, and taking advantage of special events — you’ll slowly increase your Cartels of Undermine Renown and work toward unlocking all their rewards.

Or you can just ask our PROs for help and they'll get you to required Cartel Renown level in no time!

The Cartels of Undermine Renown Rewards

Have a look at the list of rewards that Cartels of Undermine provide. Keep in mind though, that each individual Cartel also has its own set of rewards, which we will also reveal later in this guide!

To get most of these rewards you'll need to speak with Smaks Topskimmer who is located at /way #2346 43.6 50.8 in Undermine.

Renown Level Rewards
1 You have begun to gain Renown with the Cartels of Undermine.
2 You have learned how to dig up trash at scrap heaps. Yay for Goblin ingenuity!
3 Talk to Smaks Topskimmer at the Incontinental Hotel to receive a bunch of Valorstones.
4 You have unlocked the ability to find treasures in Shiny Trash Cans.
Talk to Smaks Topskimmer at the Incontinental Hotel to receive a bundle of Resonance Crystals.
5 You may purchase the following recipes from Smaks Topskimmer at the Incontinental Hotel:
Technique: Contract: The Cartels of Undermine
Technique: Vantus Rune: Liberation of Undermine
Schematic: 22H Slicks
Pattern: Charged Armor Kit
6 You've learned how to find some of the more notorious targets in Undermine.
Talk to Smaks Topskimmer at the Incontinental Hotel to receive a bag of Weathered Undermine Crest.
7 Your shovel rate at scrap heaps is increased, and you may purchase Kaja'Cola X-Treme Kaja'Cola X-Treme from Kaja'Cola Dispenser to provide further benefits at scrap heaps,
Talk to Smaks Topskimmer at the Incontinental Hotel to buy a pair of 623 ilvl Veteran 1/8 Boots:
Slime-Slicked Slippers
Mostly Cobbled Shoes
Soot-Encrusted Kickers
Aqirite-Toe Boots
8 Talk to Smaks Topskimmer at the Incontinental Hotel to learn how to better haggle with your contacts, which gains a 50% chance for increased rewards during your Shipping and Handling pit stops!
Talk to Smaks Topskimmer at the Incontinental Hotel to receive a bag of Resonance Crystals.
9 Speak with Smaks Topskimmer at the Incontinental Hotel to receive a Restored Coffer Key.
Talk to Smaks Topskimmer at the Incontinental Hotel to receive a bag of Weathered Undermine Crest.
10 Talk to Smaks Topskimmer at the Incontinental Hotel to get the Undermine Enforcer's Padding tabard, showing your endless dedication to the Cartels of Undermine!
11 Talk to Smaks Topskimmer at the Incontinental Hotel to learn how to find Gunk-Covered Thingy while assisting S.C.R.A.P.
Talk to Smaks Topskimmer at the Incontinental Hotel to receive Valorstones.
12 Talk to Smaks Topskimmer> at the Incontinental Hotel to learn how to further cut costs, guaranteeing an additional reward when taking pit stops while Shipping and Handling.
Talk to Smaks Topskimmer at the Incontinental Hotel to receive a bag of Carved Undermine Crest.
13 Talk to Smaks Topskimmer at the Incontinental Hotel to learn how to dumpster dive, finding lots of valuable materials within.
Talk to C.H.E.T.T. at the Incontinental Hotel to receive a C.H.E.T.T. List with activities to complete for rewards.
14 You now have a chance to find Vintage Kaja'Cola Can's while assisting S.C.R.A.P .
Talk to Smaks Topskimmer at the Incontinental Hotel to purchase a pair of 636 ilvl Champion 1/8 Gloves:
Craftsman's Repurposed Mitts
Goblin Boxer's Wraps
Undermine Smelter's Gloves
Retired Bouncer's Gauntlets
15 You may now purchase the Violet Armored Growler, a mount from Smaks Topskimmer at the Incontinental Hotel.
Talk to Smaks Topskimmer at the Incontinental Hotel to receive a bag of Carved Undermine Crest.
16 You can now purchase Kaja'Cola X-Treme Mega-Can and Multi-Pack of Kaja'Cola from Kaja'Cola Dispenser at scrap heap job sites to add stronger benefits to yourself and those around you.
Talk to Smaks Topskimmer at the Incontinental Hotel to purchase knowledge books that provide you with 10 Profession Specialization points!
17 Talk to Smaks Topskimmer at the Incontinental Hotel to purchase pieces of cosmetic armor.
Talk to Smaks Topskimmer at the Incontinental Hotel to receive a bag of Valorstones.
18 Talk to Smaks Topskimmer at the Incontinental Hotel to purchase the Experimental Goblin Jetpack, a jetpack cosmetic cloak (beware: it's not even remotely safe!).
Talk to Smaks Topskimmer at the Incontinental Hotel to receive a pouch of Carved Undermine Crest.
19 Talk to Smaks Topskimmer at the Incontinental Hotel to purchase GNZ Airmaster 9000, a new engine for your G-99 Breakneck. This engine increases the top speed of the G-99 Breakneck at the cost of acceleration.
Talk to Smaks Topskimmer at the Incontinental Hotel to purchase The Topskimmer Special, an oversized rocket to use as a dynamic mount. Note: fly it only if you're not afraid of death.
20 You may bear the title the Explosive to honor your contributions to the Cartels of Undermine.
Talk to Smaks Topskimmer to receive an Enchanted Runed Undermine Crest, used as an optional reagent to increase a crafted item's ilvl to 645 or even higher.
The rewards are plenty and the mount from Renown level 19 is extra cool! Why not speed up the reputation farming process?

Cartels of Undermine Transmog Rewards

The 11.1 Patch of The War Within is just full of cool visuals that you can add to your collection. Let's have a look!

Enforcer Garments

These "sets" consist of only 3 pieces and can be purchased from Smaks Topskimmer

The Topskimmer Special

Extra Garments Styles

In addition to the "normal" Enforcer Garments, you can also obtain four recolors — each representing one of the four main cartels in Undermine. These outfits are sold by Greexit Coarsebub in the Vatworks area [/way #2346 24.5 63.3]. The only requirement is that you’re aligned with a Goblin Cartel for the week, so you’ll need at least four weeks to collect all four color variants.

Good news is that you don't need to farm any renown for these particular transmog sets, just bring about 800 gold with you and you're ready to buy!

Red Set: Bilgewater Bruiser's Garments. Blue Set: Blackwater Bruiser's Garments.

Green Set: Steamwheedle Bruiser's Garments. Yellow Set: Venture Co. Bruiser's Garments.

Undermine Town Attires

After you've achieved Renown Level 17, four attires resembling WoW professions become available for purchase:

Love the sets? So do we - they truly look awesome. So let us help you farm Renown levels ASAP!

Experimental Goblin Pack

After you've achieved Renown Level 18, Experimental Goblin Jetpack also becomes available for purchase from Smaks Topskimmer. As of today this back item piece is cosmetic only, but maybe it changes later?

Experimental Goblin Pack

Cartels of Undermine Mount Rewards

Two mounts are available for purchase from Smaks Topskimmer at the Incontinental Hotel in Undermine: a ground mount unlocks at Renown 15 and a dynamic mount unlocks at Renown 19!

Violet Armored Growler

Smaks has plenty of experience caring for hyenas. Rule number one: keep your hands far away from those teeth!

Violet Armored Growler

The Topskimmer Special

Haters say this mount can just explode mid-flight. But that's just what they say, there's no reason to believe them, right?

The Topskimmer Special

Individual Undermine Cartel Rewards

Alongside the overarching Cartels of Undermine Renown, each Undermine cartel has its own distinct reputation track with separate rewards sold by individual quartermasters. Below is a full rundown of each cartel’s unique rewards and where to find them.

Bilgewater Cartel Rewards

Rocco Razzboom [/way #2346 39.0 22.1] serves as the Bilgewater Quartermaster and can be found inside the Scrapshop building in the Bilgewater Flats area of Undermine.

Item Cost Reputation Notes
The Ol' Low-and-Slow 975 Crystals Honored Adds a new horn option to the G-99 Breakneck. You can check the horn sounds by clicking here
Bilgewater Cartel Banner 5000 Crystals Honored Bilgewater Cartel toy banner. 3 minute cooldown.
Bilgewater Junkhauler 6500 Crystals Revered Mechanical Battle Pet.
Storefront-in-a-Box 5000 Crystals Revered Goblin market stall toy. Can only be used outdoors (15 minute cooldown).
Crimson Armored Growler 8125 Crystals Exalted Red colored goblin hyena ground mount.
Bilgewater Undermine Tabard 1625 Crystals Exalted The tabard is maroon with two cream-colored crossed wrenches forming its crest.
Paint: Redlining Red 1350 Crystals Exalted Red paint job option to the G-99 Breakneck.

Some of the most notable rewards from Bilgewater Cartel. Have a look:

Steamwheedle Cartel Rewards

Lab Assistant Laszly [/way #2346 27.1 72.5] is the Steamwheedle Quartermaster, found in the Steamwheedle Laboratory building within the Vatworks area of Undermine.

Item Cost Reputation Notes
Maniacal Melodies 975 Crystals Honored Adds a new horn selection to the G-99 Breakneck.
Steamwheedle Cartel Banner 5000 Crystals Honored Toy that drops a Steamwheedle Cartel banner onto the ground, with a 3-minute cooldown.
Eepy 6500 Crystals Revered Green goblin hyena Beast Battle Pet.
Everlasting Noggenfogger Elixir 5000 Crystals Revered Toy providing a random Noggenfogger Elixir effect. No cooldown, though each use costs 50 copper.
Mean Green Flying Machine 11375 Crystals Exalted Dynamic green goblin flying mount.
Steamwheedle Undermine Tabard 1625 Crystals Exalted An olive-green tabard featuring a beige top and a mint cogwheel with a wrench crest.
Paint: Goblin Green 1350 Crystals Exalted Enables a green paint scheme for the G-99 Breakneck.

Some of the most notable rewards from Steamwheedle Cartel. Have a look:

Blackwater Cartel Rewards

Boatswain Hardee [/way #2346 63.4 16.8] is the Blackwater Quartermaster, found in the Port Authority building within Blackwater Marina.

Item Cost Reputation Notes
The Buzzer 975 Crystals Honored Adds a new horn feature for the G-99 Breakneck.
Blackwater Cartel Banner 5000 Crystals Honored Toy that plants a Blackwater Cartel banner on the ground. 3-minute cooldown.
Wavebreaker Mechasaur 6500 Crystals Revered Blue baby mecha devilsaur Mechanical Battle Pet.
Personal Fishing Barge 5000 Crystals Revered Toy summoning a personal fishing barge, letting you raft across water.
Blackwater Shredder Deluxe Mk 2 8125 Crystals Exalted Ground mount in the form of a blue goblin shredder.
Blackwater Undermine Tabard 1625 Crystals Exalted Muted blue tabard featuring two white crossed swords as its crest.
Paint: Body Roll Blue 1350 Crystals Exalted Applies a blue paint style to the G-99 Breakneck.

Some of the most notable rewards from Blackwater Cartel. Have a look:

Venture Company Rewards

Shredz the Scrapper [/way #2346 53.2 72.6] serves as the Venture Company Quartermaster, stationed in the Venture Plaza building at Venturewood in Undermine.

Item Cost Reputation Notes
The Whole Brass Band 975 Crystals Honored Adds a new horn option to the G-99 Breakneck.
Venture Co. Banner 5000 Crystals Honored Toy that places a Venture Co. banner on the ground, with a 3-minute cooldown.
Rocketfist 6500 Crystals Revered Yellow mecha baby gorilla Mechanical Battle Pet.
Throwin' Sawblade 5000 Crystals Revered Toss a sawblade at a friendly player with this toy. 5-second cooldown.
Ocher Delivery Rocket 11375 Crystals Exalted Dynamic yellow rocket mount.
Venture Co. Undermine Tabard 1625 Crystals Exalted An ochre tabard featuring a cream pickaxe and a cogwheel as its crest.
Paint: Yellow Cake Yellow 1350 Crystals Exalted Adds a bright yellow color scheme to the G-99 Breakneck.

Some of the most notable rewards from Venture Company. Have a look:

Something is Yet To Come

We shall wait for the 5th Cartel "Darkfuse Solutions" to be revealed in the nearest future. While we will continue exploring other aspects of The War Within's 11.1 Patch, know that if you need any help with completing the new activities or conquering Season 2's Mythic+ and Raid scene, our PROs can help!

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