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Pandaria Mounts Boost

Rated Excellent 5 stars on Trustpilot based on 3,453 reviews on
Rated Excellent 5 stars on Trustpilot
based on 3,453 reviews on

To gather all mounts, or even just the MoP set, you face a lengthy, arduous, and often tedious journey that could span years. However, you can bypass this ordeal with our Mists of Pandaria Mounts Boost, a shortcut to swiftly enhancing your collection!

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Why use ConquestCapped

24/7 support
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Competitive prices
Only safe boosting methods
Money-back guarantee
Secure payments
We offer some of the best prices on the market and are open to negotiation
Customer Support is available 24/7 with average reply time under 2 minutes
Since 2015, we provide honest and safe boosting services without use of hacking, exploiting, or botting
We use leading payment solutions such as Stripe and PayPal and do not store your payment data
Full refunds available before service starts; partial refunds during service

Real Customer Reviews

1 day ago
Reliable, Fast, and Hassle-Free
Awesome service! I tried ConquestCapped for a boost, and everything went perfectly. The team is responsive, professional, and super efficient. The service is fast, secure, and they deliver exactly what they promise. Honestly, if you need a boost without any hassle, this is the way to go. I 100% recommend it!
1 day ago
Service 2 mal genutzt, 2 mal vollste Zufriedenheit! Top!
Ich habe diesen Service jetzt schon 2 mal genutzt und bin bin wirklich sehr zufrieden, vor allem die ganze Begleitung während der Übergabe über Discord wo man mit dem "Verkäufer" schreibt bis wirklich alles übergeben wird ist top. Bei Fragen wird sofort geantwortet, und es wird auch mal gewartet wenn man die Zeit braucht. Bezahlt über PayPal, sicher! Danke.
1 day ago
Good service
Fast, easy, reliable.
scary milary
1 day ago
Super und schneller Service.
Super und schneller Service.Immer wieder gern
1 day ago
Super service
Super service ! Rapide et professionnels, il sont patients et sont à l'écoute tout au long du processus!
1 day ago
je conseil
je conseil , perso j'ai flipper au début , mais service excellent on ma aider pour les réglage , et j'ai vu un super Lucky Luke jouer il a démonté le mob en 5 minutes je vous remercie ( rootsreggae)
je suis ton pere
1 day ago
I would purchase more services, very fast and the quality of the service is always amazing!
2 days ago
Top boosting service
They efficiently completed the tasks I needed, and I was particularly impressed with their attention to detail. The service was worth every penny, and I would definitely recommend it to anyone looking to enhance their WoW experience.
2 days ago
This team has always done a great job
This team has always done a great job. They are always quick to start service. Have ran with them for a couple of years now and have never had any complaints. Would recommend to anyone.
2 days ago
Fast Service
The service was really quick and support team is amazing
Fellipe Medeiros
2 days ago
Super service, I recommend
I would highly recommend this service, they are fast, efficient and professional, as well as being good listeners. They take the time to answer our questions, even the smallest ones, which is rare. What's more, they offer a wide range of products, which are often updated.
2 days ago
fast order acceptance
fast order acceptance, answer to all my stupid questions and clear order executionI am satisfied
Grim Reaper
2 days ago
Very Trustworthy and Respectable
Like any of these services there is always a risk, but I have to say they exceeded my expectations. They are now my go to service. Thank you!
2 days ago
Fast and Reliable!
I’ve used them for small and large boosts, some taking even a few days, and they are always fast, reliable and communicative!
Cheater McCheaterson
2 days ago
The best site I trust them!!very quick…
The best site I trust them!!very quick delivery and kind service!!

WoW Mists of Pandaria Mount Boosting

Mists of Pandaria expansion was released in 2012. Main features of this expansion include many new additions, such as cross-realm zones, pet battle system, scenarios, dungeon challenge modе, Black Market, new zones, race and class! What about mounts? There are even more mounts, not to mention that most of them have unique and new models! You could find and obtain all of them in the mysterious lands of Pandaria.

Mounts farming is still quite difficult. To collect all the mounts, or at least all mounts of MoP, you have to accomplish a long, difficult and at times painfully boring journey that could last for years! But, you could take a shortcut buying our Mists of Pandaria Mounts boost!

Why you should buy Mists of Pandaria Mounts Boost

With many new features of Pandaria expansion, there are a lot of new grindy mechanics that you need to get through if you want to obtain mounts or other epic rewards. Daily quests are generally a separate story that, to tell the truth, you would not like to know or even remember about. However, you will have to do them if you want to obtain MoP mounts! Yes, these activities would take you months or maybe years of your time. But don’t worry, there are even more ways to get mounts in Pandaria! Unfortunately, most of them, one way or another, are connected to endless long and at some moments terribly boring farming.

And if you want to collect them all and have some time for more interesting activities in the game, you should know that with our Mists of Pandaria Mounts Carry we gladly will help you to get you any Pandaria mounts!

What mount you could get?

Many new mounts were added in MoP expansion. You could get them all, spending your free time on an endless farm, or you could pick any mount you like and we will obtain it for you! Now, let us see what Pandaria mounts you could obtain!

Mists of Pandaria PvE mounts

Most MoP dungeons will introduce you to the distinctive culture and specificity of pandarens and other races living nearby. Raid will tell you a story about pandaren's glorious and difficult past, battle with old enemies and Old Gods and so on.

You could obtain Clutch of Ji-Kun mount with low drop chance from Ji-Kun. To obtain the Spawn of Horridon dinosaur mount you need to defeat his big daddy Horridon. Only true master-engineer will appreciate the Kor'kron Juggernaut mechanic wonder that could be obtained from Garrosh Hellscream with 3% drop chance. And this extremely rare and beautiful Reins of the Astral Cloud Serpent could be obtained by you from Elegon boss.

Most of these mounts have a ridiculous low drop chance, so you could spend a lot of your time farming them. Easier and faster way to obtain any of these mounts is to buy our Black Market Mounts boost!

Mists of Pandaria PvP mounts

With Vicious Saddle special PvP currency you could obtain Reins of the Vicious Warsaber and Reins of the Vicious Skeletal Warhorse mounts. However, to get this currency you need to win 80 3v3 arenas or 40 RBGs at 1000+ rating. With our Vicious Saddle as you need without RBG or Arena grind!

Bloody Coin PvP currency added in Mist of Pandaria as another cool expansion feature. To farm this currency you need travel to Censer of Eternal Agony or Fire-Watcher's Oath buff, with only honorable kills count. For 500 Bloody Coin you could obtain Reins of the Ashhide Mushan Beast mount.

Mists of Pandaria glory mounts

Mounts of this category are obtained for completing glory-achievements in MoP PvE segment. You have to go through dungeons or raids and complete certain conditions to get these achievements with cool mounts as reward!

Mists of Pandaria world drop mounts

Reins of the Black Primal Raptor world drop mount that comes in different colors could be obtained from Cracked Primal Egg.

To obtain Reins of the Amber Primordial Direhorn, Reins of the Jade Primordial Direhorn and Reins of the Slate Primordial Direhorn MoP mounts you need to find and kill Zandalari Warbringer NPC who drifts around Pandaria zones.

There are few more examples of world drop mounts such as Reins of the Thundering Ruby Cloud Serpent that could be obtained as drop from Alani or Reins of the Thundering Onyx Cloud Serpent that could be obtained as drop from Huolon with random and rare spawn time.

Reins of the Bone-White Primal Raptor bony mount could be obtained for a long Giant Dinosaur Bone farm, which can last for many weeks, or even months! You don't have to worry about the these bones farm with our Mists of Pandaria Mounts Boost!

Mists of Pandaria quest mounts

After you have completed Operation: Shieldwall Campaign / Dominance Offensive Campaign meta-achievement by doing a lot of long and sometimes boring quests you could obtain Grand Gryphon / Grand Wyvern mounts. While questing you could gather some reputation that would be helpful to hit Exalted with Operation: Shieldwall / Dominance Offensive faction to obtain Grand Armored Gryphon / Grand Armored Wyvern mounts.

When you hit Exalted with Shado-Pan you could complete Surprise Attack! quest and obtain Reins of the Onyx Cloud Serpent as reward for it

Mists of Pandaria reputation mounts

There are many factions in MoP that you could farm reputation with. In most cases, to get reputation mounts you need to hit Exalted with a faction. For example, you need to hit Exalted with Golden Lotus to obtain Reins of the Golden Riding Crane.

There are a lot of flying cloud serpent type mounts that is a new mount type introduced in MoP expansion. The Reins of the Azure Cloud Serpent mount in different color variants could be obtained after you get Exalted with Order of the Cloud Serpent. The Reins of the Thundering August Cloud Serpent obtained from The August Celestials and Reins of the Heavenly Golden Cloud Serpent could be obtained from Emperor Shaohao faction.

The Tillers and The Anglers MoP factions that require not only to hit Exalted with them, but also become their Best Friends. After all this, you could obtain Reins of the Black Riding Goat in various colors as well as Reins of the Azure Water Strider.

If you love PvP and outdoor PvP in particular, you should check PvP-based Kirin Tor Offensive / Sunreaver Onslaught faction to obtain Reins of the Golden Primal Direhorn / Reins of the Crimson Primal Direhorn mount.

Unique Disc of the Red Flying Cloud mount could be obtained after farming reputation to Exalted with The Lorewalkers. Reins of the Blue Shado-Pan Riding Tiger in various colors could become part of you collection after you hit Exalted with Shado-Pan faction. The Klaxxi could be you chance to obtain unique Reins of the Amber Scorpion MoP mount.

After you get Exalted with all of MoP factions you could get Pandaren Kite String reputation mount for Pandaren Ambassador meta-achievement! If you don't want to waste any of your time on reputation farm or just interested in other reputation rewards, you should check our WoW Reputation Boost boost!

Mists of Pandaria rare mounts

You could obtain rarest MoP mounts such as Reins of the Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent, Reins of the Cobalt Primordial Direhorn, Son of Galleon's Saddle, Reins of the Thundering Cobalt Cloud Serpent as extremely rare drop from world bosses. You always could farm and camp these world bosses and waste a lot of your time or you could use pleasant shortcut and buy Black Market (BMAH) Mounts boost, so we could help you to obtain any of these mounts as fast as possible!

Mists of Pandaria collection mounts

The more mounts you collect, the cooler your reward will be. For every 50 mounts, you get a special achievement with a mount as reward.