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Legion Mounts Boost

Rated Excellent 5 stars on Trustpilot based on 3,491 reviews on
Rated Excellent 5 stars on Trustpilot
based on 3,491 reviews on

Legion introduces an array of cool and unique mounts obtainable through various expansion activities, often involving extensive farming. You can skip this tedious process by purchasing our Legion Mounts Boost, easily adding these distinctive mounts to your collection!

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We offer some of the best prices on the market and are open to negotiation
Customer Support is available 24/7 with average reply time under 2 minutes
Since 2015, we provide honest and safe boosting services without use of hacking, exploiting, or botting
We use leading payment solutions such as Stripe and PayPal and do not store your payment data
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Real Customer Reviews

1 day ago
Awesome service
Andi Cohrs
1 day ago
Great mage Tower
Super fast mage tower. Fast, friendly and for sure recommended! I will be trying more services.
1 day ago
Excellent and fast service 10 min…
Excellent and fast service 10 min between the payement and the gold in my bags.I reccomend
1 day ago
[Cyclobraise forgé par la haine]
Fast and good !
1 day ago
Everything as expected
Everything as expectedQuick support, a plessure to watch, safeno risk
1 day ago
Spitzenservice! Immer bemüht und immer einen Lösungsvorschlag. Preise sind sehr gut.
1 day ago
Brilliant, very fast and very efficient
Darren Bradbury
2 days ago
Run effectué sans problème, équipe sérieuse, je recommande. Merci.Run completed without problem, serious team, I recommend. Thx
2 days ago
They did this achievment I could´t do in no time
They did this achievment I could´t do, contacted me 5 mins. after my order and about half hour later I had the achievment. Awesome.
2 days ago
Excellent comme toujours
Excellent comme toujours, merci à eux, je recommande vraiment !!!!!
2 days ago
I can’t explain how relieved and happy…
I can’t explain how relieved and happy I am with the service they even made a group with my booster so I can chat directly to them
2 days ago
Very fast very Nice
2 days ago
they are again proving to be the best
they are again proving to be the best. teaching me the mechanics for the raid at my own pace and that cannot be understated
2 days ago
Excellent Service - 100% Satisfied.
Product was delivered on time without issue. Great service. If I had to knit-pick. The hours of operation of the levelers and account handoff can be tricky. Chat can be a little difficult but this is a seriously small gripe. I would 100% use this service again no question… and probably will haha.
2 days ago
Parfait comme d'habitude :)
Tyler Dürden

WoW Legion Mount Boosting

Legion is the sixth expansion for World of Warcraft. It was released in 2016. Following the events of Warlords of Draenor you travel back to Azeroth in pursuit of alternative version of Gul'dan when the new Legion invasion on Azeroth begins. Features of the new expansion are numerous! You could assemble heroes of your class in Class Halls, use legendary lore artifacts as your main weapon against Legion demons, find new class mounts and allied races that would be glad to help you after you have helped them. There are even more cool features that come with Legion expansion, as well as many new mounts.

Yes, there are even more cool and unique mounts in Legion, that could be obtained from various expansion activities that will require a lot of farm from you. You could bypass all this unpleasant farm by buying our Legion Mounts Boost!

Why you should buy Legion Mounts Boost

Mount farming in Legion is time-consuming and deadly-boring business just like in other expansions. With new mechanics and systems, it would require even more time from you! Drop chances are as small as they always were in WoW when it comes to rare and unique mounts, so you need to grind bosses and rare NPC for months or even years like all other players. Other cool Legion mounts could be obtained from long and sometimes hard quest chains or even story campaigns!

You could just stop torturing yourself with endless farm and buy our Legion Mounts Carry so we could help you to obtain any Legion mount you want!

What mount you could get?

Many new mounts were added to the game with Legion expansion. Most of them are rare and unique, others are just unique but still hard to obtain. Anyway, with our help you could get any Legion mounts without breaking a sweat!

Legion Allied Races mounts

With this Legion feature you could unlock a new playable race by completing a series of long quests in race origin zones.

Every allied race has its own unique mounts, tabards, transmogrification sets, emotes and so on. You could obtain any of Allied Races mounts as soon as you have unlocked it. After you have any of these mounts you could use them by characters of other races.

If you don't have the time or desire but want to unlock any or all allied races, you should check our WoW Allied Races Boost!

Legion class mounts

One of the big Legion patch 7.2 features was class mounts. With this addition, every class in the game could have a special thematic mount. To obtain these mounts, you need to complete a long quest chain of Class Hall Campaign and unlock Broken Shore where you could start Legion class mounts quests. This process could take a lot of your free time, so why wait and suffer when you could call us for help?

You could obtain a lot of cool mounts, but all of them are class-restricted. This means that if you play as Warrior you could obtain Iron Reins of the Bloodthirsty War Wyrm, but only Demon Hunter could obtain Slayer's Felbroken Shrieker mount. Just like Warlock could ride Netherlord's Chaotic Wrathsteed only Rogue could fly on Razor-Lined Reins of Dark Portent. If you want to obtain all of these Legion mounts you need to have characters of all classes, and leveling them could take some time.

Legion PvE mounts

In your crusade against Legion and other wicked powers of demon invasion, you will meet many mighty dungeon and raid bosses. You could obtain many cool-looking unique mounts in the Legion PvE segment.

From Legion raids you could obtain cool and extremely rare mounts. The Shackled Ur'zul mount from Argus the Unmaker with 1% drop chance, Abyss Worm mount from Mistress Sassz'ine with only 0.03% drop chance, and Antoran Charhound from F'harg boss.

Legion dungeons could provide you with mounts too. For example, you could obtain Midnight's Eternal Reins mount from Attumen the Huntsman and Smoldering Ember Wyrm mount from Nightbane boss which you could meet in the same dungeon.

Almost all mounts listed above have a ridiculous low drop chance, so you could spend a lot of your time farming them. Easier and faster way to obtain any of these mounts is to buy our Black Market Mounts boost!

Legion PvP mounts

With Vicious Saddle special PvP currency you could obtain Vicious Gilnean Warhorse, Vicious War Bear, Vicious War Fox and many more cool vicious mounts. However, to get this currency you need to win 80 3v3 arenas or 40 RBGs at 1000+ rating. With our Vicious Saddle as you need without RBG or Arena grind!

Honor Level is your PvP experience indicator. The longer you fight with players from the opposing faction the higher your honor level becomes. You could start getting mounts as reward for your progression on 15 Honor level with Prestigious Bronze Courser as reward and at 250 Honor level you could obtain Prestigious Midnight Courser. If you want even more cool Honor level mounts, you should check our Honor Level Boost.

Legion glory mounts

Mounts of this category are obtained for completing glory-achievements in the Legion PvE segment. You have to go through dungeons or raids and complete certain conditions to get these achievements with cool mounts as reward!

Legion world drop mounts

You could obtain Felglow Mana Ray mount in wide variety of colors from Cracked Fel-Spotted Egg container. But its farm could take a while due to random and rare spawn.

Just like other expansions, Legion could provide you with a lot of world drop mounts that could be obtained as drop from rare elite NPC that wandering around Legion zones and in particular in the Argus zones. For example, you could obtain Lambent Mana Ray as drop from Venomtail Skyfin. Also, you could obtain the Biletooth Gnasher Legion mount in wide variety of colors or maybe you want to obtain the Maddened Chaosrunner cool mount from Wrangler Kravos. There are even more Legion world drop mounts that you could obtain with our Legion Mounts Carry!

Legion quest mounts

To obtain Reins of the Llothien Prowler quest mount you need to participate in an almost real foxhunt! In order to get this mount, you will need to get Torn Invitation which is a rare drop or reward from Nightfallen Hoard container or Withered Army Training scenario. This item starts a long quest chain, which could take a lot of time and patience to complete.

You will spend a lot of effort and patience before you could obtain the Predatory Bloodgazer mount. In addition, do not expect to get it before 15 days, because that is how long you will need to grow it: from a battle pet into a mount. This quest mount comes in different colors so to get all of them, you will need to repeat this whole raising process again, and spend another 15 days for each version of this Legion moun.

Legion reputation mounts

Paragon mechanic is one of the main Legion expansion features that expands reputation farm. After you have hit Exalted reputation level with any Legion faction you could continue farming reputation with them and for every 10,000 reputation points you will get a special cache with a random reward inside.

You could obtain Wild Dreamrunner from Dreamweaver Cache, Valarjar Stormwing could be found in Valarjar Strongbox and to obtain Leywoven Flying Carpet mount you should try your luck with Nightfallen Cache.

If you want just to farm reputation to Exalted and don’t touch new Paragon mechanic, you should check Army of the Light to obtain Lightforged Warframe mount or Argussian Reach to obtain Reins of the Amethyst Ruinstrider reputation mount which is available in different colors.

You could obtain even more mounts with our Legion Mounts Boost!

Legion rare mounts

If want to obtain something truly rare, you should check Arcadian War Turtle mount. To get it, you’ll need to farm Curious Coin extremely rare currency and after you farm 150 of it you could buy this rare mount from Xur'ios vendor. It takes a huge amount of farming that could last from 3 to 6 months or even more!

Legion collecton mounts

The more mounts you have collected, the cooler your reward will be. For every 50 mounts, you get a special achievement with a mount as reward. Although, with Legion expansion, it is not only about mounts, but toys too! You could obtain Mechanized Lumber Extractor after you have collected 300 toys and completed Remember to Share achievement. You could obtain Biting Frostshard Core mount after you have got No Stable Big Enough / No Stable Big Enough achievement for 300 collected mounts.

Other Legion mounts

  • If you have 2,000,000 gold on your character you could buy Bloodfang Cocoon.
  • With high enough fishing skill, you could catch Pond Nettle mount from waters of Argus zone.
  • You could try to solve 8 hidden puzzles to obtain Lucid Nightmare as reward for you puzzle solving skills.
  • With high enough archeology mastery you could obtain Spirit of Eche'ro mount after you have completed Laying to Rest long quest chain.

There are even more mounts that you could find here and obtain any or all of them with our Legion Mounts Boost!